So, It's 10:30 on a Friday night, and I'm going to bed. I'm not going to DP to watch girls and smile at London. I'm not going to dance tango. I'm not catching the 9:45 of V for Vendetta at Cinemagic. I'm not hanging out at that great-for-conversation bar downtown. I'm not going to stay up late finishing the latest level of Heroes of Might...
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Huh. A customer in Elkheart, Indiana had a problem. So I got on a plane and flew to Chicago, rented a car, drove to Elkheart, spent two days fixing the problem, drove back to Chicago, napped in the airport for three hours, then flew home.

Did I set aside some time for some night life in Chicago? Did I look up Adam or some other...
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I hope you liked my set, there are more in the works!
I just happened to see you post to SGPDX, and I about died. I remember when you took off, I figured life was just taking up way too much of your time and energy, though it did seem that everyone I knew was just disappearing at the same time.

I had leg surgery and dumped my long-term boyfriend, I went back to school, I'm about two terms away from my AA (took me long enough, hah), after which I'll be going to OSU to finish up my BS in zoology as quickly as I can. I was working in a ceramics lab, but it looks like I have a new job coming as a vet assistant over the bridge here in Vancouver, where I'm living for the moment. I spend a lot of time either in school, working, or taking care of family stuff. I miss the old crowd, and I hope you do have a party one of these days, or at least that I see you out and about somewhere.

Seems like you've done well for yourself lately, want to update me about you and yours, hmm?
I want to start flying again. Instead I have settled (twice) for loading the glider up and driving to a flying site to watch the weather not cooperate. Skunked. Twice. But still, I am reconnecting with some pilot friends and getting out of the house. Can't complain too loudly.

I got my new wireless G router installed tonight without a single "help!" call to my...
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I'll give you my favorite agorithms to solve the cube. The downside though is that I only know how to do it level by level and if I want to REALLY get into speed cubing I'll have to do it all differently.

Hello to you too.
Things are good over here. Making out with chicks and the boy being ok with it. Makes life more interesting.

Vacation is almost done though and I DON"T feel ready to go back to school.
Yeah, so I was just reading Desidia's journal. I am clearly on the wrong website. Here, being of a certain slender build, having an impeccable goth fashion sense, and staking a very reputable claim to nihilism gets you the girls. As for myself, a serious, focused, employed man most comfortable in jeans and a tee shirt, I need to buy a lifetime account on nerdlovingsluts.com....
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saturday... saturday...

oh right. we didn't do anything really on saturday. split up, she hung out with her friends, me with mine, eventually met up for sushi with the plans of staying in that night and got on the list to a club we'd never been to instead...

anyway, no worries.
I hit Rollerderby last night with some friends. I figured there was probably a pretty sizeable SG contingent there, but I had made other plans with non-SG friends so I didn't try to hook up with the group. Now I find out that Dogeye was one of those insane halftime bike riders! Whoohoo! Go dude!

I was out sick all last week. Ugh. Now I...
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I got quite a kick out of your entry in Nixon's journal today. I clipped it out in an e-mail to friends around the world.

I'm a full-time photographer, limiting myself these days to weddings only so that I can take my winters off. I'm having great fun sitting here in my jammies documenting the collapse the Western Civilization!

I had to share. So funny.

So, Firstborn is ten. I can usually trust him with soup. Wednesday I tell him he's making dinner. I brought home a loaf of french bread to go with whatever he chooses to take a can opener to. We are going through the options and he chooses clam chowder. "Best make two cans" I say. Then I leave him...
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Thank you much for the support and advice. It helps a lot to get perspectives from people who have been through different variations of the hell that is "love".

Stupid communication, why does it have to make everything better. WHy can't I just ignore problems and have them go away? I hate conflict but you are so right, better sooner than later. smile
Yep, conflict, when handled efectively, can be a powerful change for the good. Festering is not a good thing.

Too funny about the soup. I trusted my brother to finish a soup I was making this summer and when we ladled it out it was too salty to eat. He added twice as much fish sauce (thai soup) as was written.

HE is 16 and can't read directions yet. Sigh.... biggrin
I just spent an unholy amount of money furnishing my house. For that amount of dough, the salesgirl should have swallowed.
Abra is peachy keen. I like her.

I am also glad I didn't die. My car did though. I am sad.

That would be so cool if you got a blowjob special for spending over a certain amount of money on things. Too bad there are no cute salesgirls working at the auto parts store.

I am really moody these days, and short-tempered with my boys. But I am still trying to be a good dad, which leads to things like Tuesday night. I fixed dinner, ate fast, told them to load the dishwasher, and went to hide in my room. Once the kitchen was cleaned I ambushed my ten-year-old by handing him a bag of chocolate chips. "The recipe...
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Dude, you're just as skinny as I am, eat some freakin' cookies. It sounds to me like you're doing a great job with your kids. It's extra impressive that your self-aware enough to not take your frustrations out on them. Most people aren't like that. Did you do anything for New Years? Or the nail in the coffin of the silly season?
The thing that freaks you out about my profile picture isn't that I am bald. It's that I have no eyebrows.

Another clear CT scan. Two years since my first chemo. That's about 20 months of remission. I like to round it off to two years.
This is the second time, in late 2001, after it had grown back a bit:

It was interesting, I sorta attracted other people with shaved heads, big bikers, young dykes, cancer patients; it was like being part of a club. They were always ready to talk.

[Edited on Dec 26, 2005 3:03AM]
2 years! Take that stupid cancer. In your face!

Glad you liked the pictures by the way. I always love checking out other peoples so I figure I can contribute to the vouyer fun.

Hope your holidays were excellent! Happy new year!
Feeling better today. After my teeth-grinding wait for her to finish the term I called Tango Girl to schedule a date, per our earlier conversations, and left a voicemail. That was 48 hours ago. So I am pretty much writing this one off and moving on. She was pretty honest with me about being too busy to date. I can make up my mind later...
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Oh man that was more interesting than my Saturday night. Well sort of... at least you got to make out with someone. That sounds like a good night though. Next time your're solo on a saturday you need to email me I'll go out. Bummer about the other one not working out. I hate it when that happens. As far as what listened to going up to B.C. Well does everything explain much? I just bought a new mp3 player (no not an ipod) that has a 6GB hard drive and so far I have, almost, my entire collection of music on it. Or at least all the stuff I'm not totally sick of. As far as what I sang along to... um, anything that actually had lyrics to sing!
And life goes on. Mood goes up, mood goes down. Energy level lifts, then slumps before too long. Some progress at work, then the phone rings with two crises and half the day (the productive half) is shot. Supplies arrive, and I run out of something else. It's been on order for weeks. Another week and it should ship.

Hit match.com pretty hard last week...
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"When the rescue chopper picked me off of the rooftop, some debris got kicked up by the rotor wake."

I just really like the way you phrased this.

Well it was inevitable. For a while it was impossible to not be emo about her vague entries being freshly seperated from her and all. But I've slowly adjusted (and restarted anti-anxiety/anti-depressants).

So yeah, I was bugging- make that harassing her about vague entries but after some time and effort I can once again appreciate the suffering of others. Even her's.

Its actually comforting to hear some relieving news about dating sites. I've been considering them as it is but in the eventual years I can only imagining that desire to dramatically rise. Its good knowing they aren't all crap.
As near as I can tell, I am really hitting the wall on this no-girlfriend thing. I can see little (and not so little) boundary violations and bad judgment calls showing up, but only in hindsight. Suddenly I am remembering the cute local girl I met two years ago who was not-so-discreetly trolling for a fuck-buddy to keep her satisifed between her out-of-town boyfriend's visits....
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Oh that sucks you were sick. I've had a cold for at least two months now. Of course staying out till the wee hours on saturday didn't help at all.
Thanks! I am believing pink hair is the answer to all lifes problems.