Happy Halloween!
I took a while getting back to SG, due to the fact that I work 2 jobs now and don't have much time for anything. But I am back for now, just checking things out. Stlll no definite word on if we're staying in VA, but I'm crossing my fingers.
So I noticed you dug the last bailey set! If you are interested you can read about behind the scenes info in my Oct. 31st journal entry. So did you notice the burning car? Most people mised it. ITs our fun little "plant".
Hope you're doin ok!
Bad news!

I am most likely going to have to move back to Texas in about three months. My husband's job could possibly be ending, and that is the only option is to move where it is not only hotter, but cheaper. Keep in mind that I used words like "most likely" and "possibly"...in other words, we don't know much yet but it still sucks....
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I finally had the money to join! lol My husband doesn't know it yet! hehehe!

I hope to meet some beautiful ladies and make friends. smile

You wanna come visit me at wendys?