So I highly doubt anyone will read this but Fuck it who knows! My 28th birthday is comin up on the 15th and my cuz is orchistrating the party which just so happens to be @ the bar I tend @(Hubcaps) in Gainesville. There will be Jello Wrestling, Babyoil Slip-n-slide, Frozen T-shirt contest, Beer tents, Girls Gone Wild theme, this things gonna fukin rock! So...
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Nyello evryone who might still be here. I'm back. My subscription ran out n one o my roomies met an sg some how so he wuz dyin for me to start back up so. . here I am. Feel free to drop aline or wutever. smile
Wut up anyone who actually goes out o their way to visit me. notta whole lot goin on w/ me here lately just enjoying single life, feels good to be back. Probably gonna get Head-bartender @ work and there's a good chance of me getting hired on @ Peterbilt(start off $20/hr, 40+hrs/wk)woo. Other than that, that's it pretty much.
But YA, if any of you...
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Alright, Last Monday I dumped her ass. And life feels so much better now. Almost forgot how single life felt, and it also feels good knowing that my game hasen't missed a beat.

Wooooo, , , yeah me wink
*party boy humps (from jackass)* yeah babyyyyyyyyy.
Dude this fukin blows SO hard. Ok so like me n my gf breakup for like a month, then she comes crawlin back. After a week of trying to decide wheather or not I should take her back , I take'er back. Well everything is fine n dandy for like a week. Oh ya she lives in Carrolton and we've been together 1 yr. So...
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AAaayyyy youz guyz, howz everything goin in your worlds? Well mine has been somewhat like this; me n Raven broke up on the account of her being a bipolar psychotic bitch who made me go over 3 & 1/2 mths w/no sex or anything at all(in no perticular order), the day after our 11th month mark. Took my lil sis n I to Edgefest n...
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HI smile
we need to get our party on sometime. im doing good i guess. im having two normal days off.
Hey everyone wusup! Man in like 2 wks I'm gonna be 26. And I have no idea what the hell I'm gonna do. My GF is going to take me to the OutBack for dinner and get me a gift card to hottopic. That great n all but main thing is, is that my beloved parents haven't even brought up the matter. I'd like to...
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And apparently no one here does either. Thanks! whatever
Holy Shwazbucket! Well heres HELLO and and a shot of Jack way high for anyone who still checks my prof. Sorry its been awhile, moved back in w/the parents and unfortunatly they have dialup. And I still can't figure out how to get my pics(to put a new pic up+) to fit right. But if anyone wants to hit me back feel free

Hey you're back! What up super star?

You need to resize your picture so that's only 100kb... i usually do it through photoshop. smile
HOLY SHIT, I haven't posted shit in like 3 1/2 months. Does anyone even check my prof. probably not. Raven n i are doing just fine and the 18th will be our 7 months, , , takes alot out of you. But I'll talk to youz guyz later. smile
eeek you were here for a split second and then you were gone... sigh. wink
Wow, geez that really sux that I haven't gotten like any comments or anything at all in like 3 months. What a tiny spec am I!? Well, should anyone come acrossed this send some back to me. Later

P.S. Everything is well w/ Miss Thang, couldn't be more happy. In acouple-o-days it'll be our 3 month mark, ,woo! smile
wow three months, that means you two are serious.
MIA? I'm back... are you?