i'm a little upset with Amanda. She and I are supposed to have coffee tomorrow night and talk. She really fucked me over on Saturday night.. I don't think she even realizes it.. and most of me just thinks I should just let it go and step back a little bit.. but at the same time, I think I should let her know why i'm...
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aw. it does look like fun times. but that water also reminds me of leeches...anyhow...
are you saying that you're worried for your soul? eeek
i hate when friends screw things up and then you don't know whether you should talk about it with them or just ignore it. i tend to let things go with those i don't feel close to. it's just not worth it to me and it reinforces why we're not close in the first place. with the ones that matter i talk things over with.
I have been in that ex-fucked-my-bestfriend situation and it's not any fun, but I'm not in it now, and I know that Grrlhavoc and I will remain good friends. smile
Some of us are going out tonight, I hope to get shit-faced, yet not make a fool of myself. If you feel up to it you and your friends should come to bocados. smile
Aww how cute! Love the pics babe. smile
christ, i'm tired! yay!

but yes, life is good! tomorrow i'm taking a vacation day because i'm going to THE RIVER with six friends. i don't think i can think of anything more fun than TOOBING with the group of miscreants i'm going with! woot!

i hope you all have good weekends and things. i wish amanda were going to the river with us, but...
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I"m not bitter, I"m just happy that she gets what she gets.
oh I know you were... I just also know tone in type is terrible...
It's sort of a joyous bitterness? hahaha!
why hallo there! i had an intensely good weekend, anyone else?

let's see... friday night, went to a concert with my mom. that was good. then i had to work yesterday morning... not so good.

after work saturday, eric, catt and me went to a barbeque at eric's mom's, also known as the super redneck lesbo gathering spot. for real. eric's mom is this hardcore...
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jellies... the arm decoration of the world... tee hee and fa la la and such
Greetings JupiterGrl!

Sounds like Amanda is a tease. Excellent!
yeah well. life is alright! i've just been working.. running around..

today i picked up eric and we went swimming at humpy and mandy's apartment. humpy is jessica. she derived her nickname because she's one of those chicks that's super randy all the time, and humps people randomly, usully against their will. then humpy and i made dinner for all of us. i made scrumptious...
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Mmm orgasm through a straw? YUM love

Thank you for the compliments! biggrin

That is a bad experience, but something that we all have in common...bad experiences that change our lives in one way or another.

Have a good day! smile
my best friend Eric just got moved into a new trailer yesterday and it's fucking INFESTED with roaches, and we got super trashed last night and played Roach Killaz with our flipflops. it was actually highly entertaining. i rarely get trashed. oh, and i invented a new drinking game! that's two drinking games i've invented. in case you ever want to play them i'll tell...
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aww, wow. you're gorgeous.

hey hun. Just wishing you a happy 4th!!!
well, sorry for the lack of excitement in my corner lately. i come on SG all the time, i just neglect my journal. i have a headache right now.. blargh. nothing new around here, except that none of my friends like me anymore. ah well, life goes on.
Thats right, we all hate you now kiss
When someone makes you sad more than happy just walk away. One great friend is more rewarding than a group of friends that bring drama. fuck em. You seem really sweet.
I think I'm going to call Mary in a little bit! shocked I'm nervous. I want to invite her to the party at Catt's tonight, but I don't even know if there IS going to be a party, because none of my friends know their asses from holes in the ground. *sigh* Anyway, I've made so many new friends here at SG, and I'm having so...
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Thaterdays are allways thuper, and you and mary together... sounds like a party to me.

[Edited on May 19, 2004 2:55AM]
so what happen with mary? party? do tell!!!!
Mary the Sonic Girl never called. But i did have an okay day! My friends from Dallas are coming down to visit, woot! we're going to karaoke tonight, probably.. and then to the beach tomorrow! On a side note, i made so many friends in SG Chat last night! Everyone go chat now! biggrin
OK, so what song do you plan to sing in Karaoke?

I like your profile and I hope you put some pics up sometime as your profile pic is pretty cute wink Come on over and say hi! smile
invite Mary over sunday night to watch the Sopranos wink Tell her your gonna make snacks and have wine love Dont be shy....call her lol
Oh my GOD oh my GOD! I got Mary the Sonic Girl's PHONE NUMBER TODAY!! love I was hyperventilating so badly! I know she has a boyfriend (meh!) but hey.. that can change, right? I'm so excited! I gave her my number first.. then she OFFERED hers! GAH! Life is awesome right now. I want to play pool tonight.. or sing karaoke. Or really, anything that...
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good for you...go and sing your little heart out tonight
How cool is that! Having a crush is the best feeling lol! Good luck sweetie!