Hello, I miss the SG! The last few months I took time off for myself. Thinking about my priorities, taking care of my physical and mental health. Disconnect me. I worked for a year as an adult content creator and camgirl and in that time I moved away from the profession and found new paths. I'm still a camgirl and I love it! But I believe it will soon be another weekend hobbies. I will keep myself as an alternative model too But now I say goodbye to the adult content and I'm starting my career as a body piercing. I'm very happy, they were enlightening months and I changed a lot. Besides my career having changed, I started to take care of my diet (most of the time lol), I stopped smoking (cigarettes right) and I'm meditating on my day. I hope you come back to the gym soon . Aah I also have new body arts and I'm cultivating beautiful dreads 😍

Welcome  back!
Welcome back!  I missed you

Estou aqui para o meu primeiro blog e sobre tantos assuntos que poderia trazer à tona, gostaria de falar sobre minha nova profissão. Ainda é estranho chamar de profissão, nem comecei a falar nisso e hoje amo tanto que não me vejo fazendo outra coisa Há alguns meses eu estava no auge do autoconhecimento e percebi que uma profissão na qual me formei e já...
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I’m retired actually, so my new profession is admiring fabulous women like yourself