The project I'm working on has finally been announced (Starcraft II - woot woot!)! South Korea and the World Wide Invitational was amazing!

Pics here
I just accepted a job offer from Blizzard Entertainment. My title shall be Level Designer. I'm fucking exited!

Goodbye, San Diego.
I went on a long road trip last week which took me to Vegas, the Hoover Dam, the Grand Canyon, the Petrified Forest, Meteor Crater, Roswell, Carlsbad Caverns and the White Sands National Monument. If you'd like to see pictures of this trip, here are links directly to the various sets themselves:

Carlsbad Caverns

Unfortunately, many of these pictures didn't come out as well...
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great pics !! love
I just bought a 22" Samsung widescreen monitor. I think it might be making me a little motion sick. Battlefield 2142 looks pretty awesome on it though.
Very nice. I'm jonesing for an LCD monitor. I've heard quite a few good things about the samsungs. This lovely CRT shows some nice images and has great colors, but takes up too much precious space! Living in the city changes ones priorities.
Went to Lou's Records and traded in a bunch of stuff. Got a 100 bucks and spent $97.75 of it. Good deal.

New Music:
Botch - Unifying Themes Redux
Converge - No Heroes
Cradle of Filth - Thornography
Integrity - Those Who Fear Tomorrow
Mono & World's End Girlfriend
Deadguy - Screaming with the Deadguy Quintet
These Arms Are Snakes - Easter
Training for Utopia...
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Go see the Prestige! Scarlette Johansson is hot and the story is pretty damn good too!
Scientists have developed the technology to make an invisibility cloak. I anxiously await my Predator suit.

[Male Voice]
No - it simply appears to me to be discourteous to... to wear the symbol of a deity long dead. My ancestors tried to find it. And to open the door that seperates us from our Creator.

[Female Voice]
But you need no doors to find God. If you believe....

[Male Voice]
Believe?! If you believe you are gullible. Can you look around...
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