I got a new job!!!! Yey!

Looky at my video, its very fun and silly :-)

love ya'll xxxx
Well gosh!!! Congratulations honey, looks like the race is already over huh!
Nice -for the new job
take care
smile smile smile
Damn, never knew you were so so hot
-had no idea miao!! love miao!!
It's been too long since you posted... hope all's well!
Oh my God, it's nearly a year since I said anything on here...

I have done a LOT of stuff since then... got lots of piercings too which I may share. All in good time though. Anyway- I feel kinda sad and I think I've pissed off my boyfriend inadvertently. I would like to fix it but I don't think I can.. rubbish. Say hello...
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so how's your weekend so far?
take care- smile
Welcome back lady. Best of luck with your boy.
Hiii!! Please make sure you all read tis one. It's gonna be a belter.

OK, so from my very sporadic posting you may have learnt that a now have a boyfriend.. it is the previously mentioned mr. hasagirlfriend (he broke up with her) so we'l just call him Rich now.

Chris is completely leaving me alone now which makes things much much easier!

So, things...
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I see new pictures, and I'm all excited and stuff, but I see no new entry.

O where has my blondie bear gone?

Though you never come here anymore or anything, I hope you have a very happy b'day. kiss
Well, Everything is pretty much fine.
Richard is still lovely. I'm still liking work and I bought some new clothes. What could be better?

Oh, Chris is really upset now and misses me! It's horrible cause its all I wanted a month ago. I dont want to hurt him but I've got Rich to think about now too.


I've missed talking to you all....
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smile Sounds like Chris is just jealous now! Guys do that!
What could be better? You could talk to us more often! wink

No, really, it's a good thing that you're doing well, see I told you it would be fine! I'm happy that Richard sees you and appreciates you smile
Everyone. I am happy.

Very very happy.

I have lovely boyfriend... hes goregous and lovely and funny. I'm shocked that he even exists let alone wants to be with me, but watch this space! I'm sure it'll all break and ill end up sad again sooner or later! frown Hopefully not though!

how is everyone?

i hope it stays well for you too
Your boyfriend has a lovely girlfriend, and unless he's a complete moron, he'll appreciate her for a long time.

Think positive doll, and things will be alright. You've been missed like you wouldn't believe. kiss
Good day. It involved carrot cake and McDonalds. And muchly work.

And more importantly Chris isn't mad at me for once. I still love him unfortunately. I think we're gettin on now though so that's good! I might even try and be mates with him cause hes pretty special, however much I moan about him (I have to moan somehwere... He makes me sad! lol)...
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You know for one second I thought you said you were "gettin it on now" up there!!! Feel free to moan but by all means try to improve on that situation, break out of the damn circle honey.

Wait. 4 days off???? I hate you.

See you real soon J.

Guess what. I got something in the mail!!!!!!

Go on! Guess! smile
My blogs seem to have vanished. Oh well.. I'm sure we'll all get over it.. despite the accomlished prose it was now being lost forever!

Today I bought some noodles and curry. I helped my stepuncle to buy a suit ( by help I mean I stood there looking bored 'cause his work were paying for it and he had no choice of which one...
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Mmmm, noodles and curry. Sounds good to me.

ARRR!!! I hate that when you do something and whatever you were writing has disappeared. I'm happy to hear you are feeling a little better and that Mr hasagirlfriend has served some good. wink
You knw that last part of your blog could be read in a number of ways... The "clothes falling off" bit I mean wink

But seriously, what's with the blog limbo?! As you can see I noticed that too, and I was like WHOA. Howling abyss eeek

Check on you later. As you know I never shut up biggrin
Oh my goodness, my life is literally a soap opera.

I met this guy on Friday. His friend had already told me he had a girlfriend before I started talking to him, but he was good looking so I couldnt help myself. Unfortunately it turned out he was into science and intelligent and interesting... all of which are very atractive qualities to me so of...
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In my opinion I think really it's best to leave the ball in his court, tell him you understand and to keep intouch; there is always the future.
the word of caution really is that meeting someone new is always exciting, but that might just be because it's new. you wouldn't want him to regret picking you over her; that'd hurt you.

Arrgh. I hate men. you're so bloody complicated. Or at least the good ones are. smile

Am I right in thinking that
a) If I sit round and wait I'll look pathetic and not be wanted anymore anyway? (despite it being what I wanna do really)
b) I'm an idiot to even think anyone ever breaks up with anyone for someone else?

Ferretbite- I've messaged you back love.

Matt,- I'm pretty much certain he's a nice guy.Whats all this gentleman crap about though? I'm gonna be uncharacteristically selfish and say that it's not gonna work with them now is it? Shes movin halway across the world and he's kissing other girls. Doesn't look good does it?

Climbit- No double dipping shall be occurring. Nothing more is happenning til the lad sorts his head out.

Rael - You're right. Its a shame i'm a bit impatient really. And he wouldn't regret it. lol. I shall be carefull.

Oh and so you all know. I'mprbably not gonna be friends with him. 'cause when I am friends with a guy there is always more sex involved than I like in my friendships and I am not sleeping with anyone who has a girlfriend again!..

(I did this 2yrs ago and his girlfriend was recently told about it: now they were seperated when I started seeing him but we're still very very good friends so I got a call telling me to cover for him. Oh how I love being second best all the time) whatever
My new job is AWESOME. I cant just sit on the interweb all day though unfortunately!

I have a uniform that looks like I'm an air hostess which is quite amusing! And the hotel is so so pretty. AND I get to work 4 days on, 4 days off. Wow. I feel like i've hardly been in and now I have like a mini holiday....
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can i get a room!!???....heheh
Now... what can we do to put a smile on that pretty face of yours?

1. Tell you I'm thinking you look ridiculously hot in that uniform.

2. Remind you how 2 out of 3 big news you delivered were FANTASTIC.

3. I'm thinking I'll refer to Chris as Captain Cardboard from now on. For no particular reason it just came to my mind.

4. Do my sexy dance?

5. Let someone else do the job. I say cavemen win.

kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss