blah blah blah............

......Midgets dressed as bananas............

..................blah blah blah
Thanx for the sweet comment, soz for not replying sooner (I'm crap at it!) smile getting ridiculously wasted and raging sounds like a plan haha
Puppets scare me*. And birds scare me. So bird puppets are pushing it. That is why The Dark Crystal is evil.

*sock puppets and Fraggle rock are the exception.

yay.....im infatuated.........the world is alot more colorful.......

and what the hell is wrong with liking audioslave?

and it isnt even with mefrown

runs away and cries.

you make me the saddest of them all :/
you suck. i f'in hate you. bye>_<
please stay tuned for further instruction...................
hahaha you f'in drunk.

you could call me once in a while.

and you know.

when i movee.

ur so not staying with me to go to cedar point.

you totally lost your chance.

sux for you... whatever
And now a quote from SG:

"9.03 I think America deserved 9/11. I think black people are stupid. I think the Jews are trying to take over the world. Can I espouse those viewpoints on your site?
No you can't. Freedom of Speech does not apply to posting on SuicideGirls. We are a private club and may remove you as a member of our club...
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y0. dude. antagonistic? dopanine receptors can be antagonistic haha. anyway, tabloids i do not read either, but you know.... some magazines have good science parts. which simple minds, like mind, can comprehend. them i liek to read and be all bitchy about.
and what is your entry about??

man everyone censors everything. i anihilate peopel around me that make me nervous. so what's wrong with it?

and i'm australopitecus robustus. hope and shiver it's decent enough.
as usually my holiday went extremely extreme..........me and my mate ended up takin about ten people home from the bar......arent drunken strangers just the best?......and after lotsa drunken madness i concocted Rocket Fuel.....no one actually finished a full cup........yay..... and then i went to pass out and my friend hannah kept fuckin with me......finally after a couple of bowl rips i was reawakened and she...
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what the hell? i eat meat, saucy steaks and whatever. and see... there was this huge talk in media where 'scientists' proclaimed that people are the first "animal" that can change the evolution. well we're gonna die, that's my prediction. tata.
and it doesn't matter, my prediction.
meh......i hate allergies they are the worst thing ever......it feels like evil little gremlins are running amuck in my head..........

on a better note I will be doing a show with the 3PO crew in detroit on the seventeenth.........im really hyped......the last time we did a show at this place it was a drunken blast.......In the middle of a freestyle i put my mic down...
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Have a lovely Blow Something Up Day

Celebrate your own Independence!

Sparkle and vanish in such astonishment as the real reason gunpowder was made.

Born to be Wild!
Hah thanx, cool new profile pic btw tongue
the virus is dead....long live the queen.....er......

So im contiplating moving to arizona.......whoa!! from the mountains of pittsburgh to the desert...........
all powerful genie iiity bitty living space...hahaha i love alladin.
your graff is awesome dude. totally puts mine to shame!
no its today. it was 12 when i said that last night!
so i have been having these really disturbin dreams lately......there fuckin up my sleep patterns and making me an emotional wreck......I think i might be going legitimately insane......fuck.

I just havent shown up for work all week and they keep callin askin for me to please show up..........I am such a fuck up frown

Im so thirsty for life but all the glasses are dirty........
evolution or creation?
To evolve is to create, to create is to evolve.

Jaathang just like that, Dude, in a whirly circle, bummer.

Check this out. Two things,
First if youre already down the rabbit hole, if you feel yourself waking, relax body and mind and stay asleep. Slowly see in lucid state if you can affect dreamscape. Little things then full on master of reality.

Second, what are you taking? No worries Ive taken it all, really, but if nothing then, tell work you are sick with flu. Take a day or two, and just force yourself to sleep. Then stay with the dreams as long as you can, so you can listen to them. What are they telling you? What needs are being ignored in your life. Why is the unconscious torturing you? Then back to the first thing.

Insanity is literally described as the disjunction between the conscious and unconscious mind.

Take care, Bro //////////////// Go forth and Graffiti!!!!!!!!!
dood get to your candy man job. mamma needs some truffles. lol and taffy<333 you'll be ok my dear. i love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu<3333333
meh fuckin computer virus and some really good buds are keepin me from loggin on recently........i took my driving test today to knock points off me license so i can keep drivin legally........oh and this weekend i got pretty fucked up at the bar brought this chick home......lol then me her and a friend did some gravity bong rips......i got so fuckin high i told...
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and th fact you're hitting on other women. whoaaa thats not cool.
Invader Zim box set (finally) is in my possession.
Heaven at my fingertips and GR 24/7.