naked albinos, the drunken robot, total recall. what a weird birthday. im still a little in awe. eeek
And a dorky girl who fell asleep god knows how many times.
Did ya'll even try to wake me up? LOL I never do that, thats what I get for laying down for a second. And who did the robot? Thats something I missed.
Good times!!!
yea, i never thought of you as a bad republican texan sterrotype, i'm just having some fun. i think football and wrestling are the only sports i ever liked to watch on TV.

but i think it's kind of fun to talk enthusiastically about football on a webpage like suicide girls precisely because no one else cares.
ever have an albino get crazy drunk and vomit showing everyone his ass crack?
No, I didn't see him very much since the door was getting closed in my face. Tell your friends thanks for that.
Left the Jager in the freezer and that Jack for ya. YOU drink it sometime, birthday present or some shit I guess.
Feel crap, but thats my fault. I wasn't going to drink at all, only smoke if anyone had anything which they did not.
Good times though, only problem was no Ace of Base.
Whats up with that? biggrin
Happy Birthday man, hope it was funner then friday for ya.
no. never. i did get to meet SG Anarcha this weekend. we were talking about how there's so many cool people on this site, but you never get to meet anyone. all i could think about was matt and millie and everyone on my friends list except for the people who randomly sent me friend requests but never sent me any comments.
my birthday is tomorrow but the party starts today. my buddy chris has his birthday today sowe are just going to throw a two day birthday celebration. which i have started at 10:45 am today with a pitcher of margaritas. unfortunately, i am alone because no one from my comparative psychology class wanted to start drinking this early. their loss. i bought a digital camera...
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happy birthday, beautiful!! kiss

[Edited on Jan 22, 2005 7:53PM]
Happy Birthday doll! wink
weirdness in old tejas. the guy i am suppossed to start working for calls me this morning and tells me that i will not be needed for another couple of weeks. not good. but im not phased by it. this gives me more time to work out and put some more hours in at the mission center. plus ill get to hang with my mom...
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nearly your b.day, i wanna party with you and i want to know the whole conversation smile all of it smile
lumeire is awesome and she's a finland hottie. check out her SG photos. that song is by a black metal band called Finntroll.

testament to my greatness...please.... whatever
did i mention i got a new job? but that i apparently was so wasted that i dont remember getting the interview? i am kind of frightened to start on wednesday. plus ill probably have to work on my birthday. poop on a stick.
Are you a flippin Capricorn or on the cusp? I bet after my sign, darn cause we rule.
Good luck with your new job. I saw somewhere you saw Burden Brothers, was it at FreakersBall back in October.
I missed them, I was so pissed off. I was late thinking shite bands would perform.
Whats the plan for your birthday?
Psychology owns, the brain is my favorite subject. Why do we do the things that we do? So much fun.
My Human Sexuality teacher is the same one I had for general pschye. and he did word association for my class like he did for my other one. He knows me well, always discussed material with him. My word was Sex, my answer was Fiend. So so true. HA he told me he knew I would have something interesting to say to his word.
You raise two cool points for having the same major.
Burden Brothers have played alot in texas. I went to Freakers Ball and remember loads, but had two Xan bars with me and downed an 18 oz. margurita to quicken my pills. And the 4 joints made me a bit fuzzy also. LMAO
my nose is bleeding pretty damn badly right now and i have no freakin clue why. just out of the blue starts gushin. i jammed a tissue up there and thought that did the trick but when i pulled it out my sink looked like something from the amytiville horror. i dont think i will feel any different on saturday than i do today. maybe...
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i want to throw my computer off a tall tall building.
Texas? oh man, me and millie have to make texas jokes. i should do some traveling. there are so many cool people i know that live in far away places, now i have an excuse to travel, but i just need the money.... i'm going to plan it out once i get my financial situation figured out.

you know that pogues song "the sickbed of cuchullainn?" i had no idea how it related to cuchullainn, but i recently figured out that they're referring to when cuchullainn died on standing up. it makes so much more sense now. i've got work tomorrow at 7.
Would Feburary 20th work for you for bowling?
i sold a beer to jenna bush tonight. that was fucking weird!!!! i love phil collins when im wasted. which i am right now. this is a a note to all you dfw folks. i turn twenty one next weekend and the party is where i am. i love you guys. especially joe. i wish you lived in texas man. and millie, i dig the...
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Good night, dude...

Phil Collins? And what exactly did you get your hands on? smile

[Edited on Jan 16, 2005 1:57AM]
do you ever get so drunk that you find yourself calling people and singing the song "carribean queen" by billy ocean? but not the entire song on one friend's voicemail. the song is spread out over several friends and if the messages i left were put together then the entire song would flow. flow like wine. i love you guys and gals. im going to...
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I never found myself singing "Caribbean Queen" but something just as bad.

"Sussiedo" by Phil Collins...


The worse the song, the better it makes it on peoples voice mails, you get the idea
oh okay, now the red branch rings a bell. for some reason i always remembered the gaelic written name which is something like the tain bo cualigne. but yea, i read a translation of it in a book called "over nine waves."
i knew this guy once that always smelled like maple syrup. which was pretty fucking weird. but this guy i knew back in high school, which is weird. but this guy covered the campus cop's car in those orange parking violation stickers. which was funny because the campus cop was a total doofus who shot himself in the face. but then the maple syrup kid...
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i hear that in england they put maple syrup in their tea. i bet millie does this.
thanks for the sweet words, kiddo! and that be a purty kick ass new pic you've got there...
this is going to be a good year for me. the insurance company gave me a bunch of money for nothing, i have several good friends, i can finally drink at dinner without anyone getting offended. this is going to be one hell of a year. anybody with me? positive thinking is very new to me so i would really love to hear some encouragement....
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ha ha, loser. You just found SG DFW, Ha ha once again. biggrin
I try my best to make people feel as special as they are.
LOL Little school bus special.
Take a hit for me, boyo. biggrin
i was thiking how kick ass this site is for the info it gives. reading other peoples profiles gives me an introduction to a lot of music that i probably never would have been exposed to before. i dig that. plus some people have really good taste in literature. i dig that too. plus some of you guys and gals are pretty fuckin rad. i...
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so now i'm curious. what music and books have you checked out and who's profiles got you interested?
Yes this site is pretty groovy. SG events are always fun.