So I get a flat tire, my room key gets demagnetized(twice)and I find out a good friend / coworker was shot 3 times and killed over a 4 day weekend. Screw you Murphy's Law! Anyways I just signed up for the Elder Scrolls Online Beta. Shit better be fantastic. I mean seriously guys have you seen the cinematic?!

It's sooo awesome! Anyways enough nerd for...
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Youtube hates me...
I've suddenly become addicted to Bollywood and Asian films! Why!? Mainly because I find their stories more real and the characters more relatable and I can become emotionally attached to the people. Anyways this is my first blog. I should get all sappy and say " it's not like anyone is going to read this. But fuck it. Heh...butt fuck it.. If you want to...
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I read it smile I've never actually watched a Bollywood film, you've made me wanna now! biggrin
Bollywood films are on the rise I swear!