"we put language in zoos to observe caged thought
and toss peanuts and p funk at intellect
and motherfuckers think these are metaphors! I speak what i see
all worlds and words are metaphors of me"

-saul williams

"language is a virus" - laurie anderson

yes, Laurie also wrote a song w/this sentiment. old obscure cut from the 80s i believe.

you are so damned literate, tho', and astute. that is way sexy!

i have been wacky as usual, darlin'. are you doin' okay in general? me, i'd say i'm doin' okay in general.


[Edited on May 06, 2003]
SG has chat now. we simply *must* use it, dahling.

i haven't written here in a while because i'm working on my new site, which i am SO PROUD of!!! please visit it!


eeeee! love
i likes!

hi baby doll.
thanks so much for the feedback. smile
how do i do this stuff? driven by the desire to inspire, and to be inspire. i need the catharsis. music/prose seems to be the best way for me to channel/communicate.

i keep finding willing participants. so i keep sending 'em vocals.

i would love to do music for a living. i have a friend who has his own recording equipment and whose rate is (thank god/dess) very reasonable.

you can come play if you want! shocked)

ninji is too masculine for me. i want to be soft. to be bella. i'm also way inspired by this new song by an artist called beady belle, called "bella," so i thought it was time for that change.

more info about that here: http://jianda.net/bella.htm (lyrics, and a link to beady can be found there).

anyhow, that's the deal. i've never been way masculine or anything but have felt too neuter--too non-participatory in life. wanna be more a girl and enjoy being a girl. rather than a wallflower/0/hibernator.

that's the deal.

p.s. everything you see in me, you already are, and embody, or you would not have recognized it.


What we have never had- close-up of war- they are watching
all over the world
If this were a movie no one would believe it- it would never sell
Young Americans
Staff sergeant staff sergeant can you tell us whats happening - is that a republican guard surrendering
Negative- I can't respond to that
Thought it would be a cakewalk to Baghdad
Read More
ah--you should send that to the poetsagainstthewar.org site.

"In The Beauty Myth, Naomi Wolf (1991) cites a survey indicating that a whopping 90% of American women are dissatisfied with their bodies. When this attitude is passed from mother to daughter, which is understandably almost inevitable, a vicious cycle begins. Mothers, according to Susie Orbach (2001), generally experience some level of difficulty in accommodating the needs of their daughters. They wish to feed and...
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mmm...same here but thank you for posting.
Luff and I are in our new room!!!! It's soooo beautiful-sunny-green-calming-plumbed-flowered-soft lit-happy-project time. I'm so excited. I love moving into, exploring, expressing in new places. I carry tapestries and a wide variety of lantern/sting lighting with me all over the country, just so I can put the same old stuff up in a whole new brilliant way. I made a toilet paper dispenser (WE HAVE...
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be-you-tiful! smile
a friend, of sorts, wrote this for me today. anyone care to take a stab at what the fuck he means?

The red velvet of a curtain for instance,
the chain pocket pulling hard iron rods down
and down again again toward a dusty ground;
down from the high ceilings and wood smell,
down from the high theatre smell up top, the iron rods...
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Some people, I'd say, are in love with language (and drugs) enough that the words themselves don't have to have meaning, just a visceral reaction, of sorts. My 2 cents.
golly, i wouldn't dare to guess but it sure is intricate n' trippy. smile
If you ever see me at a Greyhound station
remind me to tell you about time.
But if you see me on the bus
I am alone in a portal
so please don't disturb me -
on the paper napkin dream
number in a matchbook bed
red gingham sheets in
the middle of october on a
magic gingham ride
clouds and pastels
suddenly died.
Read More
i got an email from my mom. it read:


biggrin frown
i have been thinking today about buying a really big book and actually doing something with all those poems and those cool pictures i find in magazines and quotes and pictures i find on the internet i feel are worth saving etc etc.

also i have purchased (www.craigslist.com) a mirror that's about 5 ft by 7 ft. cool huh? i am going to paint a...
Read More

and with a multitude of false eyes glued upon me i walk (
through the forest like an elephant king that has lost a
kingdom no one's

heard of
), and

i linger.
girl: i'm in austin (i heart austin) but i wanted to at least reach out quickie-like. smile i love anne rice. and her anne rampling stuff too. not cheesy @ all.

i love this latest tome of yours above
i went. post brush, went to target and sprayed myself down with axe. it was dollar beer night. think she smelled me through my facade though, cuz the hug sucked. thought i'd fill you in since you posted to my problem. keep in touch. and btw, elephant kings are way underrated. love your glasses.