Fantastic long weekend, really could not have been better.
Spent it with sixteen of my closest friends (well, 9 of my closest friends and their girlfriends, but a couple of those girlfriends are getting close to being designated as friends).
Relaxed, drank, swam and pretty much put myself in the best damn mood I could possibly be in.
Which was probably helped along by chilingl...
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You know those moments in life that you have been waiting for, that have been building up for years and when they finally come around you let them slip through your fingers. Well I think I may have done that.

So I was going out to get some food late Sunday night, when I am inevitably stopped by a one eyed homeless guy for change....
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A trip back to visit your parents' is always an excellent way of taking stock of your life and realizing it is at a stand still.
I should have just picked a career path that is far better layed out for me to follow, like say, manager at MacDonalds.
Fry cook to cashier to assistant night manager to manager... its just that easy.
I've been awake for nearly 24 hours.
And I've been watching Sports Night for the last two and a half hours.
So all I want is every single person to be talking non stop and to have an absurdly witty retort to every single thing that is said to them.
Oh god, I have to go back to work tomorrow.

And I didn't do a goddamn thing.

Well, I just won't work very hard.
Bang, buddy! Ace!
Six days off!

Imagine all I can get done with six days off...
I can get that sound designer and composer to get work and finish off the picture.
I could find a new apartment.
I can finally start writing again.
I could get stoned, go down to the river and feed some ducks.
I could see who is playing at bars...
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Goddamn you, daylight savings.
I finish my twelve hour shift only to have the realization thrust upon me that tonight we spring forward or however the rhyme goes.
All this means to me is one less hour sleep tonight and that news isn't sitting well with me.
I'm so busy cursing out the missing hour, that I caught the wrong train which I don't notice...
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