Help Sorry II

Just want to shout out to my band mates, sorry I couldn't attend tonight, but I'll be there next week.

Auto Show

It's that time of year. Autoshow time. The most jolliest, splendiferous time of year. That's why all are invited to the Edmonton International Auto Show put on by EMDA tomorrow evening (that's friday), we'll be there around 7:30pm handing out...
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My Happiness

Dasha is gone once again, another plane ride out of my life, every time I don't feel better. I hope one day we can go on these things together, but even she knew it was a fiscally poor decision to undertake this trip at this time, especially with the recent civil turmoil in mexico. But she insisted. So I slept in her bed,...
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I hope the week flies by for you and there is a little happiness to be found.
It could be a long week for me as well.


Thank you. I needed to hear that today.

Hope you are doing well.

Happy Valentines-Sham Day

Random Valentines Day Facts...

I like to get Dasha roses for any occaision not just because it's valentine's day. Sometimes I get her roses for no particular reason at all. Always 5 white, 6 red. Reason? Well white symbolizes beauty and purity, and red symbolizes love and passion, so that's why I mix the colors. But why 11? Well; most FSU (former...
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Why now?

You know how every once and a while I'll say I'm sick. Well sometimes I get kinda sick for a day or two, but I fight it off and end up okay. Well this time I am REALLY sick. I'm talking sick like I used to get before I had my tonsils out. I'm talking fever, cough, fluid in my lungs, sore throat,...
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Thanks hun... Wise thoughts and I appreciate you sharing them.

How are you feeling today? Any better?
theese were big oranges.
Donate, seriously

My good friend Awasis is doing the Weekend to End Breast Cancer walk.

Please visit her page here:

It'll give you the pertinent link on how you can donate. She'll be walking 60km in august. I'm so proud of her for engaging in this event, and am happy to support her. I hope you will too, if you can donate anything, even...
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So as you know, I supidly signed up for a presentation due friday. Today was nuts getting stuff together for this thing. The worst is I told my professor I'd be emailing her questions because I have no template to go on, and she hasn't gotten back to me about anything! So I guess I'll see her in class tomorrow.

Things are busy here, and...
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If I was a simple man...

If you missed the big Jan 6 update go here first.

If I was a simple man...sings Dallas Green. But he is indeed. He's simple, shy, happy and thankful to be able to do just exactly what he wants.

I attended the City and Colour show last night, opened by Casey Baker, and it definitely ranks in my top...
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I totally found the Kristofer Armstrom version. biggrin

-editor's note

the spelling of his name has been fixed in my blog. I still haven't found the Kristofer Astrom version, although I found a few other songs of his.

Off to Banff

Well I'm just packing up, getting ready to get to bed, and at 5am I'll be up and off to banff for some snowboarding action and 4 nights with mah girl. It will be a great time. I'd like to wish you all a happy new year, hope things are going well for you all. I'll be back on the 5th, and...
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HAppy New Year!!!!!! biggrin kiss
Now that's the way to really kick off the new year!
Sweet Freedom

Last exam is done, handed in, we're finished for the semester. I have a headache, and a stomach ache, and I think that tomorrow, when I wake up, I'll finally be able to relax for the first time in weeks. I forgot what it's like to just lay on the couch and watch football.

So now, I can finally see my friends, you...
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Possibly Good News, Possibly Bad News

Well had my first exam today, what I thought would arguably be my hardest, in a class I wasn't doing so well in. Well my first good news came with my assignment, that I scored a 72% on. My professor informed me that the mark would likely go up because some people didn't hand in assignments at all. As...
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I am so glad that I do not have to deal with finals... Good luck handsome! kiss
I miss u confused , lets get together soon....i have to tell you of this dream i had of you.