wow in that new spin the bottle set... like all the girls are smoking.

what a turn off.

the lives of such people can't possibly be that stressful... and even if they are... I am led to believe that is all their own faults.. yea "it ain't easy being beautiful"

grr how upsetting to see all these pretty girls... all of them with cigarettes.
hmm. i don't smoke either. only a couple of pictures of me, but still. no cigarettes.

and "such people?" what? it's pretty stressful to be completely broke and unable to get a job... being attractive does not suddenly make your life a big puddle of happiness. not to say that i have some kind of horrible unlucky life, just that everyone has their problems, smart or dumb, beautiful or not, rich or poor, etc.
Hahahahah. I hate you.

No, i don`t smoke, and i don`t find it particularly appealing. But it has it`s place and many of my friends smoke and i would never ever think of myself as so high and mighty as to tell them that their livestyles are gross and icky.

Also, smoking isn`t a stress relief, actually the opposite so these girls probably smoke because they are addicted or because they enjoy it.

Oh, and i`m really sorry that they didn`t turn you on in this particular set..............gosh, we have failed as SG`s!!.

Oh and right, pretty girls have no problems whatsoever, we just sit and get fed grapes by hot boys (hey, not you btw!) all day. We don`t need to work or have children or familys or friends or relationships to deal with.....no, no.

::box arrives::

ladies and gentlemen, I may indisposed for a time. for the 5th book in the harry potter series has finally arrived on my muggle doorstep.

and reading I shall be oh soo teenage angsty! I can't wait till I really get into this one!!!

yes I know I'm a dork. eat me! blackeyed
everyone is readin Harry Potter! i got a set for x-mas and returned them for a martini shaker. now i feel like i am missing out. frown
you must tell me how it is.

i'd only eat you if your intake of sugar far exceeds my own.
wanna here some good music?

go here you should check up on that periodically.

as it is my normal journal. and I change the music frequently... usually every few days.... unless the song really says how I'm feeling for a prolonged period of time. go look ... and see... it'd make me feel bettter if you came back and told me what you think. I...
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sounds good! you are a master.
21 days till i am very happy smile

yesterday I found out ... or well I hung out with someone for the first time. she's excellent. cute great... used to be here too. she seems like everything a guy could want in a girl.... I like her. as a friend. and I'm sure given the chance I would like her if we were closer too.

anyhow that's not the point.. well it is......
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holy crap, i know how that goes. i have a few close friends (whom i love dearly) who are into retarded shit like that.
i would like to tell them to stop and do, however you can't tell people what to do and expect them to listen to you willy nilly.
unfortunately with stuff like this, people have to learn the hard way and won't take good advice for what it's worth.
i think the only thing you can really do is be there. but even that can be trying.
best of luck, baby.
You should probably remove her name from your post. I'm sure you mean well, but gossip is ugly even under the best of intentions.
with the exception of maybe 5 people here... you people SUCK!. grr! mad
yeah, i know i do. but hey--at least SOMEBODY likes it.
cheer up, charlie.
my baby is in the shop. (my car)

the driveshaft broke the other night... luckily I wasn't on the freeway yet and so I am still alive.

however my wonderfully loving parents won't let me borrow one of their 3 cars. yea nice huh? but they let my sister so whatever. frown

I want to move out, I want a new car, and a good girlfriend....
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Thanks but... I've played the bass for seven years.

[Edited on Jun 13, 2003]
hmmm this weekend .. has not been going so swell.

I found out my ex girlfriend... the one that was supposedly REALLY in love with me and all... was telling some other jerk of a guy that she gave him her heart... and all this nonsense. we had a huge fight last night... words were thrown around... something that really hurt me was that... she...
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I think you just took O the wrong way in the chat last night. She's rarely mean - and even when she is, she's not that mean. When I first joined like a year ago I was scared of her too though so.. haha maybe she can just be intimidating.

Hm. Well. I dunno then. lol.

nothing new... quite bored actually... and hungry....

and um Edie thinks I'm a dick.

so I must be. I didn't mean to upset her.

shucks she's a pretty girl.

well I guess if it makes her happy I'm perfectly comfortable staying carnivourous.... however.... I wanted to try veganism as it's supposed to be healthy.

oh well. thanks for all the support.

whatever whatever whatever whatever whatever whatever
edie's a darn clever girl in the first place!

and thank you for the nice comment , i appreciate it.
good luck with going vegan! if you realy want to pull it trough just do it. don't talk, just act act act.
as far as i know she just made some points...that you shoud consider. don't use such strong words like tearing apart ;P

it's hard stuff to do. so make surre you're ready for it. and then just do it,. like said, good luck!
and thanks again smile
you can't turn a Ho into a house wife.

but oh I wish she would... ::sighs::

life is moving on ... it feels like without me.

I was drained for 8 hours in the sun (wonderful)

I have HUMUNGOUS Stress Knots on my shoulder blades ... area.... need a good massage...

any takers? c'mon now I'm always giving my lady friends massages.... can't I get...
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how exactly am i trashing you? because i'm telling you to do your research before leaping into something you know very little about? the word hypersensitive comes to mind.
wow, way to be dick.
I'm seriously considering trying to go for a vegan lifestyle.

but I have no idea where to begin. I don't think this is something I can just JUMP into. I have wanted to try some vegan things for a long time now... and I think it would be much more healthier for me.

but I am afraid. even people laughing at me for wanting to...
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you don't need vegan friends to go vegan. if you sincerely believe that you want to be a vegan, it shouldn't cause some kind of internal struggle. i'm a vegan because i don't support animal cruelty. are you going vegan for the same reasons? or because everyone is doing it? it's really hard to transition to a vegan diet, especially if you eat meat. i don't know if you do but i'm assuming you do because you don't seem very knowledgeable about a veggie lifestyle. do your research, then make a decision.

[Edited on May 30, 2003]
how is eating steak being pro-animal life? you're just contributing to the meat industry and therefore condoning animal cruelty. and none of my family is vegan or vegetarian, but that doesn't change my diet. i'm not trying to rag on you, but if you do change your diet you're going to have make a lot of sacrifices. maybe you should just try being vegetarian for a few years, especially if "cheese is your lifeline." if it goes well, you're healthy, and you feel able, then go vegan. but don't make the switch from being a meatatarian to a vegan. do everything in steps. your body will thank you.
AHHH first day of summer school!

3:15pm-10:15pm ! ahhhhh

and I still need to pick up my parking permit! ahh ahh ahhh bye!
hey wait a tic.

I remember you!!