Well, my first blog. whatever Still finding my feet here but so far I'm lovin' this place. I also have a blog over at http://open-canvas.com/ so feel free to have a look over there to get to know me smile

I'll start this blog off with something random that I read today in the paper:

Apparently in America it is seen as 'unsightly' to have clotheslines in...
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My family has a clothesline out back, but in winter we utilize the little hoist things as well. I think this is probably more of a problem in the urban areas of America where people think that neighborhoods have to be pristine collections of houses with imaculate yards, which really gives a closed off feel to the world. I love the neighborhood I grew up in with kids running around, dogs here and there, and clothes hanging on a line. One would think that with all the talk of going green that people with clotheslines would be applauded and here in places they are being chastised, and even banned.

I heard about this story the other day and had to shake my head at the absurd notion of it all.
Perhaps they use driers, which may go some way towards explaining the green house effect.

With all due respect to South Australians, I also find the idea that you put clotheslines into gift bags a little crazy. However, I suppose I should not be down on one who is trying to make a difference. Who knows it may start a revolution (we could call it the Hills Hoist Revolution!).