So I watched "The Watchmen." I would like to say I read it first... but then you'd ask questions and discover I only read 4 pages so I'll just save us that conversation. Final thoughts?

Whole lotta blue cock. Also, Rorschach is awesome and everyone else is really kinda bland. You love them? You can have them.

Work continues to go. No major complaints... I...
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I think when I'm better I should come over and play World Tour with you because it's awesome and so are you. Also if you'd like to actually read Watchmen you can borrow it when Nelson's done with it tongue
Tonight I drive down to Calgary for a two day Microsoft conventiony thing. Should be fun and an excuse to see family (since I haven't gone to Calgary in, oh, a year or so... since a rather stressful choir trip). Have I mentioned how much I love my iphone? Not having to drag a computer with me just for internet access is something I really,...
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I mostly just watch CSI:NY. It's not great but it's not awful and it passes the time. Spike has episodes on pretty much all day.

I wish I were writing songs about food. Or anything really. Sadly, this is not the case at the moment. If that changes I'll be sure to let you know.

We're moving on the 15th if you feel like making a trip down to haul some boxes. If not, you guys are welcome to drop by some time. Not sure what we'll do for housewarming as we certainly didn't have one at this place. Guess we're about due.

I was going to come on and blog about how interesting I'm finding fallout 3 (as I'm really not a big modern day or later fantasy fan) but instead I find myself aghast at this new layout on the "my sg" tab.

I realize that everytime something changes (facebook... sg's last "big change") about 2/3 of the people make big "I hate new things" proclamations...
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It is kind of annoying...I feel like I'm behind on everything now. Blah, I guess I should spend more time on the internet? Ha. When am I gonna see you again? You missed another naked party at Grant's - you really need to get out more often ^_^
My mom makes nuts and bolts every year. It's pretty good.

I wish I had pictures of the foggy bridge. Someday I'm going to bring a camera along for a race.
Work is... interesting.

In a "I took two days off for training because I think it is important even if you don't" kinda way.

Back in choir... I may be an old man but I can at least take solace in the fact that I am there for the music.

I bought two tickets to "Rise Against" which I was very excited about... until I...
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Whew, since you like it I guess I can keep itwink
Just so we're clear:

The new Slipknot album is supremely awesome. My only complaint is that my favorite song (intro aside... man I love white noise with subtext... seriously) is named Snuff. Going around saying that Snuff made your day will earn you some strange looks.

Also, I have now wasted two Sunday nights playing a ten year old computer game (Neverwinter Nights) with some...
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I still can't believe you don't like Starcraft... You're not human.

That is positive, like you said, at least he's not an asshole! And good on your house for all voting! You guys are good citizens.
So, the stress has begun. Four days until I'm leaving for Seattle (PAX, yay!) and I'm getting my pre-travel anxiety. This year "international" passholders apparantly don't get mailed their passes but have to pick them up on the fourth floor... at an event that has thousands of visitors and a line longer than a city block to get into on the first morning I don't...
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And because you're not a soulless bastard right?

Yeah. My big thing is that I don't like getting punched in the head any more. I mean, I never really enjoyed it that much to begin with but it seemed a lot cooler a few years ago. I'm just too old and tired to bother these days.

So. Just got back from Saskatchewan. Trip down to the family cottage ended up being a tiring affair... left after work Friday. Normally staying up to 2 getting somewhere I enjoy wouldn't be too bad if not for a bit of a rude awakening at 4:30 am that particular Friday.

Drunk vagrants are annoying to deal with first thing in the morning. That's all I'm...
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You were able to sleep in a room with those three drunk and hopped up on Red Bull? I applaud you sir.

heard you have a video of some models kissing... can i see? i really wanna see!!! do you know who it was cause i know drake was off with a member at one point and lavonne and i had a moment in the corner of the vip... all i recall was all these flashes from every direction when we were making out, it was like our very own personal strobe light party hahahaha
Yeah, I know whining never helps things... Just thought I'd share what is going through my head this week.

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

Couldn't concentrate at work today. It sucks to be working on tasks that have high loads of frustration with very little payoff.

Especially on a day when I was reflecting more than a bit on all the things I really, really want...
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was a good vacation... probably going to put up some photos on my facebook.

hows things with you?
you should go next year!
So then, it is a lovely day and my house is empty. It is times like this that remind me roommates are good things. Videogames are only so fun alone and, contrary to poular opinion, I can't deal with more than two or three hours worth of Team Fortress 2.

My brother came up. It was good to see him, especially since he made me...
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Wii Fit is good. New computers are also good.

Kaleb Dell
Likes-Boobs, Computers, Computer Games and Kayaking
Dislikes-Phone conversations and tech services

Today promises to be a day of talking on the phone long distance to resolve computer issues. I worked tech support for Dell for 4 months: I know how much this sucks. Combining this with my somewhat social skills... I fret a li'l bit. Alas, I guess there is no other way....
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I hate phoning them too. They never know more than I do. They never help.
What kind of asshole would do that...

Sadly, I've seen that trombone guy. We actually watched that whole episode...

Mindless Self Indulgence puts on a good show. I am sweaty and tired and that is as it should be.

In the future, however, if people could avoid backing into a car containing me after the show... I mean... seriously.

Nothing kills the post-concert buzz like watching people exchange insurance info.
oh jesus...yeah, that would kind of kill it, for sure! i hope your car is okay.
Yeah, it'll be a neat experience, I just like to bitch. I guess it's because it's pretty short notice and I was planning on doing a bunch of work on my car Sunday as well as I'll be missing a family dinner that night.

Iqaluit was an experience in and of itself, this time I get to spend some time in the arctic circle.
House finished for another season. As one grumpy fellow to another, I will miss living vicariously through him.

Went to a cabin party for the long weekend. As expected good times were had... good conversations and good hang-out time. Shenanigans were experienced: Some good, some bad. Suffice it to say that I am way beyond too drained physically and emotionally to cohesively delve. As such,...
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but, it's camrose--can you really blame him? yes, i am being a hawksley apologist.
awww thanks for the comment.

You are a pretty fabulous person yourself. I have always thought so.