...is the way it changed things. It completely redefined beauty and erotic art, but the coolest thing it did was to highlight that these women are all real people. These are interesting, dynamic, beautiful, complex people you can meet and hang out with, and they actually have a ton in common with us. They took the concept of a cookie cutter porn star with fake...
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I agree. Yes, there are naked people on here, but it's not trashy or slutty or "porn-ish" at all. It's sexy but it's not about sex. It's about art and self-expression. And evryone is really chill and easy to talk to!
I finally decided to renew my SG profile after like 3 or 4 years away. Hello again everyone. 

Awesome, thank you!
disney porn
Moved into a new apartment! and also GETTING MARRIED ON CINCO DE MAYO. Yay for me.
holy shit why did you not tell me now i only have five days to find the PERFECT dress!!! CONGRATULATIONS, MAN!!
haha your owl pic is CLASSIC. I laughed. Oh and wow, congrats! x2
September is starting off with a bang. For the early birds among us we will be playing again on Fox 7 news in the morning on September 4th at 7:30AM. Just turn on your TV to hear a song and all about our upcoming events. On Saturday, the 6th, we have a gig at Headhunters on the patio outside. The show is 21 & up,...
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aww shucks! thanks for the love on my latest set!
you are too kind...to my behind.. I am so lame. 

My po-box is permanent so you can send the letter anyway..
My po-box is permanent so you can send the letter anyway..

How's your august going?
To boldly go, where no man has gone before!
Alright, we've got a promise from Jonathan that he'll have our CD mixed and mastered by the end of June! So therefore we've got (another) CD release scheduled for July 5th. We have cool friends who book us on fancy dates. Like Saturday night on July 4th weekend. We'll be rockin out at the Red Eyed...
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Alright, we've got a promise from Jonathan that he'll have our CD mixed and mastered by the end of June! So therefore we've got (another) CD release scheduled for July 5th. We have cool friends who book us on fancy dates. Like Saturday night on July 4th weekend. We'll be rockin out at the Red Eyed...
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why thank you
im gonna go for more of a Lenin look next time 
the seatbelts are one of those things that come up randomly when you have your playlist on shuffle and you think, where the hell did this come from?! i did not know i had this.
im gonna give them a listen sooon,but they were very unfitting for my mood when i was writing that
hooray its saturday!

the seatbelts are one of those things that come up randomly when you have your playlist on shuffle and you think, where the hell did this come from?! i did not know i had this.
im gonna give them a listen sooon,but they were very unfitting for my mood when i was writing that
hooray its saturday!
thanks for the compliment on my set! 

Hold me closer, Tony Danza
Why did Sting have to go and grow a skanky light jazz inducing man-gina of FAIL? He used to be so cool. Even the John Dowland stuff I kind of liked, but he's gone the path of the farty musical diarrhea bass lines and annoying squiggley saxes. it's rather depressing. What happened to the guy who wrote Message In A...
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Why did Sting have to go and grow a skanky light jazz inducing man-gina of FAIL? He used to be so cool. Even the John Dowland stuff I kind of liked, but he's gone the path of the farty musical diarrhea bass lines and annoying squiggley saxes. it's rather depressing. What happened to the guy who wrote Message In A...
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i dont think i'll be making it for akon. we dont have a booth this time which is quite lame.
I hope your June is going well.. :S
Lots of weird things have been happening lately. These bored cops over on Mellow Meadow drive have stopped us TWICE for having a faulty light over our lisence plate. Of course the second time happened to be late at night when we were driving the 2 blocks to Taco Bell. I really don't like Williamson County Sheriffs. They try to scare the shit out of...
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Crazy...now I want Taco Bell....
no I ain't dead. I know I ought to update more but I never have time, considering all I want to do when I get home is play games. dude! Gaia has pinball now. I'm so addicted. To the point that I get irritated when Cait distracts me, and I had a dream about this the other night, Cait was trying to show me something...
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im addicted to mario golf so.. i hear you there.
Day of the deed theme would be amazing!! you could get sugar cubes with little skulls on them for tea!!
Ocean s a huge HUGE must. mind you, i grew up on a shore so.. of course i'd think that

Ocean s a huge HUGE must. mind you, i grew up on a shore so.. of course i'd think that