Humans are social creatures, whether naturally or from historical necessity I'm not debating that. In the information age we live in, with all our innovation in technology, we CAN be self sufficient and by that I mean we don't have to use human interaction as much. We can order our groceries or whatever we want to buy online, have it delivered and not once interact....
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I think any comments people make anywhere could be nitpicked or argued (depending on the connotation you see these SYNONYMS in), but as humans we long for superlatives (best/worst/always/never), however, we live in a gray world and not a black and white one. It is interesting to see. Notice it from now on and you will see the patterns people can fall into. This is...
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Do some people even think before they speak? I had a woman tell me "You have the potential to really be someone great that I could see myself with in the future", to which I replied "Thank you, I agree. You are also currently quite terrible, but don't worry, if you change exactly as I want you to, then we may end up getting married!...
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The Green-Eyed Monster, and boy can it be a monster of a problem. When most think of it, they think of romantic jealousy, but there is also interpersonal jealousy (of friends/acquaintances/unknown people), social jealousy, and cultural jealousy. But to start, let us talk about romantic jealousy. One or both people causing undue stress to the other in ways of fear of losing the relationship or...
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All of the Suicide Girls I have seen have been so great and they have shown that models are not dimwitted or ditsy girls who starve themselves. They all show that they are regular women doing extraordinary things. They work jobs just like everyone else and still find time to connect with their fans. Not to mention they inspire other women to overcome their insecurities...
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I have been fooling around and hanging out with a girl for about three months. One night I told her I didn't feel like sex and she at first thought I was joking and proceeded to go for it anyway. Then by the time I had to push her off a few times, she got that I was serious and became very angry and told...
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For anyone to whom I have commented or liked a post, photoset, or blog, I do that because I wanted to and I never want anyone to feel they have to reciprocate. I feel that the SG community is like that too. We do these things because we want to and with no "like" Baiting. We do not fish for compliments or see what we...
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