Today has been a really weird day. I spoke with the ex yesterday and found out that with in the next two months two and aunts and possibly her mom will be dead due to cancer. Really took me by suprise. Brought some long hidden thought to dead feelings for her family. Oh well will just have to take it one day at a time. confused
Been a member for a while now, but have finally taken the time to use the journal portion. Not sure how or what to write. I haven't ever been much of a journal or blog person. Figure this might help me to figure out where I am with my life. Talked to a friend that I haven't spoken with since 2004 in Afghanistan. Was incredible,...
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I've never been a big journal guy either, so I keep my entries short and pointless. smile
Has been a really good weekend other than the fact that I can not breathe through my nose. I hate OK weather. Anyway, I got to got to dinner with a friend of mine that I haven't seen in a while and actually had a great time, just drinking beer and going to all of these little bars. I can't remember the last time I went out and just bar hopped with friends. It made me realize how much about myself I have put off to make sure that my kids are ok. Now that they are getting older I find myself wanting to think more about me. Not sure if that is greedy or just human nature. Oh well that is enough to think about today. later.... whatever