Hi world! I'm back on SG (obviously), and not in jail...WOOHOO! long story. The entry I had on here was really really old, so this is just something new to fill the space. smile
Holy crap, I haven't written anything new on here in a long time. Nor have I really looked at it. Oh well, nothing happens to me anyways. At least nothing worth mentioning. But every once in a while, some one leaves a comment on my journal, and I don't see it for weeks. Maybe I should check it more often. whatever
Run for the hills!!!
Bought two new cd's today. Primus: sailing the seas of cheese, and Filter: shortbus. Ok yeah they're not 'new', but new to me none the less.

Time to go envy Les Claypools mad skill some more.
I almost want to say I hate my job, but then I remeber that for 8 hrs a day the human race gets to prove to me, again, what I already knew. That people are inherently stupid. Getting paid to be proved right, over and over, isn't all that bad.

The few intelligent or nice, or even civil people in the world are anomalies. The...
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no matter how much i get paid i still dont have enough money.
So I knocked over my motorcycle on to myself. Damn, that sucked. But it did answer my question of whether I can pick it back up if i were to ever lay it down. And the answer is......

yes I can, but I'm very sore frown
So my car died today,.. again.
Time to get new tags for the bike, it's looking like thats the only vehicle I have now. Oh well, it's a good reason to learn to ride better.
So I was a member once, now I'm back.
