I am currently dining on the fine cuisine known as hospital food, so you know what that means.....


So, it's 18 hours after said surgery, and I gotta say, I am a lot more sore than I expected to be, though I didn't know quite what to expect. But the papers I was sent home with to prepare for it...
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How they coming along? 😀

Less than 2 weeks til surgery! Ergebluh! I am so excited and nervous all at the same time. I've never had any sort of surgery before, or even been admitted to the hospital (except for having my son), so the whole thing seems intense. I just want the date to be here already. I find myself thinking about it often.

Other than that, I'll be...
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So, sorry I'm such a flake, and disappear for intervals. I get wrapped up in life, and forget to be social.

So! Life feels pretty exciting right now. I'm taking more teacher training at the end of the month (I'm a violin instructor, so more credentials is always yay.) One of my places of employment is already giving me a 2 dollar raise, because I'm...
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it is a truly sickening feeling, in the worst way, when you are truly disturbed, shaken, unsettled, and you know that there's not a single thing that can be done to make it feel better. to feel like you're emotionally clawing to get outside of yourself, crawl outside of your own being.

Just so many things have happened in the last 2 weeks. I just...
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I hope you feel ok soon xxx
I'm sorry :( Hope u feel better soon! 

It would seem all men are lying cheating dickholes.

I don't trust a motherfucking one as far as I can throw one.

And what sucks, is I'm going to start seeming like a neurotic bitch, questioning people's motives, and yeah, maybe checking to see if they are lying if it's possible. But you know what?

An endless barrage of fucknuts has made me this way.
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No need to apologize. The decent guys know you're not talking about us, and we'll still be around when you need a shoulder to cry/lean on. Sweetie, I do hope things get better for you in the love department. Wish I could be there to give you a hug.
Know exactly how you feel :( 

So, not to name any names, but *someone* actually messaged me asking if I was ok, which I have to say, warms the cockles of my heart. After everything, it's nice to know you're being thought of.

So, idiot (he shall forevermore be referred to by insults and cuss words) finally only got in touch today, only to ask to pick up clothing, and asked...
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I think I saw Warm Cockles open for Soundgarden. :)
@physicsguy restraining order got denied, apparently there's not enough "imminent risk of danger" to warrant it, can you believe it? They actually said that if he did something else I was free to try again though. What a trusty law system. :/
UGH, destroying property wasn't enough?? What do they want him to do, hit you instead? I thought protection orders were supposed to stop that from occurring. 

Sorry I've been away so long! I got kind of wrapped up in my own little world of crap.

Mr. Guy is still around, he has been harder to get rid of than a creaky floorboard. But I have got iron resolve this time, and he is out when he gets back from being out of town this weekend.

As for anything else new, uhh,...
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Well, I managed to do it. I actually confronted my trouble guy, and he is gone, for good this time. He said he didn't want to stay here anymore because he didn't trust me (as in to not look at his phone), and I said he was hardly innocent, with his folder of nasty photos of girls he's taken personally or gotten them to send...
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I hope it all works out!

I decided to delete my last blog post, because I felt it was a little....over the top.

If anyone read my rant a few posts back about Mr. Trouble.....he ended up sticking around. And things seemingly got better. He got nicer. We were having fun. So I let him stay.

I am a stupid, stupid, human being.

So I ended up peaking at his phone...
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but, no one likes their phone being messed with lol. ive done the same thing, expect it was with exes facebooks or myspaces and id tell them about it right away or later depending on my reaction to circumstances of the time.  if you want to talk to his "other girl" or "girls" then don't tell him what you did and go talk to her/them first, then confront him afterwards.  you can even take pictures of the pictures on his phone to show her as well. if you confront him first, he will just hurry and tell every girl before you had a chance to talk to them that you are just some crazy roomate who's a liar and obsessed with him. thats happened to me, and the girl my ex was cheating with didn't believe me, said i was crazy and on a bunch of drugs and she believed him instead, i should have talked to her first, i learned a lot from that experience. 
oh and if you take my advice, you tan tell him about snooping on the phone and who cares if he gets mad at you for it, you will have already sounded the alarm to warn other women of his scumbag-erry so in the end, you win no matter what. just think, this guy could have been with tons more women later on and given you a disease that cant be cured and would kill you, thats nothing in comparison to a little snooping.Â