So, I think it is about time I got a girlfriend.

So, any takers?

Bidding starts at $1! $1!

He's got good teeth and a load bearing back!

Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?
So, the girl canceled our date for tonight. Well, fuck me. Oh well, no sense in letting a perfectly good bottle of champagne go to waste now, is there?

Edit: Ohhh yeah......

Champagne + OJ = Mimosa = Awesome-Sauce
i am already disappointed i have not been able to find any harpoon out here. coors is the local brew and i think its gross. blue moon is coors beer, so if i HAVE to drink coors thats the direction ill go.

dont worry, im still investigating heavily
If I said you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me?

If I swore you were and angel would you treat me like the devil tonight?

If I was dying of thirst, would you flow your love down and quench me?

If I said you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me?

Old school country is awesome. tongue
So, the girl canceled our date for tonight. Well, fuck me.

Oh well, no sense in letting a perfectly good bottle of champagne go to waste now, is there?

Belligerence and debauchery will abound! Tonight will not end well!
One more exam on Friday, contracts, and I will be done with my first semester of Law School. Only 2 more days.

Then, my friends and I will be running a bar review of the 9 bars in the area. We start at one end of the town, order 2 drinks per bar, then crash at my friends house, who lives next to the last...
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After a while, I forgot why I came to law school.

Was it because I wanted a challenge?

Was it because I wanted to make a difference and help people?

Or was it because I hated myself and felt that I needed to be punished with 18 - 22 hour days, a minimum of 8 - 10 hours of homework a night, having to eat...
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after the first semester you realized that you aren't actually going to flunk out and the rest because much much easier. but those people who tell you that second year is a breeze after first-year... they lie. meanies.

Congrats on almost being done! If you were in NYC I'd say we needed to have a drink!
Holy shit!

Sox for the mother fucking win!

Undergrads across the street have been firing off bottle rockets for a while now.
The Sox have been keeping me up late too. And I have to get up at 530. ugh
And it was a most excellent evening!

I went and hung out at a mates house before we went. 2 girls showed up with a third girl that I didn't know. So, we talked for a bit, then we talked all the way to the fund raiser. She was just as OCD and neurotic as I am. While I vacuum the rug at 3 am,...
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Holy shit! Sox for the mother fucking win!
Cancer v. Marsh aka Team Andy

One of the 2L's from last year was diagnosed with stage 4 melanoma the day before final exams started. He is now living in Maine, but has to travel back and forth to Boston for treatment.

So, students in the law school have started a fund raiser to help pay for his medical bills. One of the guys has...
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So...I have been staring at this screen for over 2 hours procrastinating. I have to finish a simple assignment for Legal Methods tomorrow. I have to write a mock memo to a member of my "firm" about his case. Simple, straight forward, 2 pages double spaced.

I just can't get motivated.

So, instead of doing it, I have been on SG and LF posting, and...
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Now, I'm not sure how many people know this, because it is pretty specialized information, but food poisoning sucks.

That is all.