i think i'll be drinking a bit more this holiday season. skull
Lol. I have Spaten Optimator for that mug.
so, me and school aren't getting along right now. i got sick for a while and got pretty behind in my work. i got antibiotics eventually, and got better, but i'm still trying to catch up. my body failing didn't help me out in the mental department either. so, i'm still struggling with a bit of a crackup too. but i finally got my financial...
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Thanks for u love on my set kiss
so, i totally got to see some epic metal in dallas the other day! not to mention some scottish pirate metal! unfortunately, i was taking the place of a friend who couldn't go at the last minute. it especially sucks b/c it was her birthday present. frown but her loss was my gain, and i needed it! we missed a couple of bands b/c we got...
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playwriting & aikido start in two weeks. i'm excited & extremely nervous.
the schedule i made for myself would make it really hard to work, so i feel like i might have fucked myself. still no word on my financial aid. getting really nervous about that. it better be pimpin'.
just saw a cat chillin' in the birdbath. awesome.
let me know how it all turns out. aikido is awesome! I've been looking into krav maga and more JKD of course.
i def. need to study the JKD! my dad wanted me to take krav maga so my sister would go with me, but we never did. i'd still like to, though. it's a bit more aggressive than i'm really into. i do love the hell out of kickboxing, though, so maybe not.
man i feel like such a loser.
but at least i'm learning spanish.skull
Yeah I thought about not going to school for that very reason. I'm a vegetarian with long stints of veganism. What it really came down to is that I'm passionate about food and I need to jump thru this hoop in order to get to where I want to be. I'm only going to taste things if it is absolutely necessary... its sort of a hurtle that I am going to have to jump when the time comes.
Yes honestly! The worst thing so far about school is I am missing my sleep. I very much enjoy a good cat nap in the sun.
so far, today is a good day. i got up early, got shit done, i'm still getting shit done, and it isn't even 3 o'clock. llittle bit of a crunch, now though, cause we're going to the Blanton tonight for free for third thursday. they're screening a film on the history of flying machines at 6, and i have to pick up the C-monster from...
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i gotta get back into kung fu, yoga, tai chi, something. i'm too high-strung. sure, i've got pressures, but, seriously! what a drama queen.tongue
I've needed some new ink for a while. Just need the $$$
yup. we'll see what my financial aid is like. tongue
i hate looking for a place to live, i hate moving, i hate finding a job, i hate working a bullshit meaningless job for a bullshit wage for a bullshit dumbfuck asshole. i hate feeling like i have no control over my own life and as though i have so very few options. i hate being made to feel like an asshole for taking time...
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october is usually my month. invigorating, exciting, & morbid fun. i'm not feelin' it this year. i think that really sucks. skull
getting dark, i should really be heading home. been at work an extra hour just to check on my digital world. more people from my past finding me anew. girls i had crushes on at one point or another. i'd like to see them, after all these years, but i think it'd be pretty weird. you can't go back. it never could be the same....
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i am not liking this whole "no time for SG" thing. not one bit. gotta get my connection back.skull
Sounds like a planARRR!!!
yeah, it is the execution i'm concerned with. tongue