Its been a bit but here are a few things:
My birthday was good, really good actually. I started it off celebrating with Chelsea which was nice. THen my mom stopped by. She brought me something I wasn't expecting. She brought me something my father gave me when I was much younger, a denim jacket with a red lining my father bought me when I...
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So I was in the Ringgold post office a few weeks ago arranging for a passport out of the country. I was in line when this old man came in and looked at a mother and her son (9) and said to the boy "you think I oughta mail you?" The oy and his mother laughed and then they left the line as they were...
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I was little bit late to work yesterday. When I got there the meeting had been going on for ten minutes with my team already. I attempted to say "I was in the middle of something". What I said was "I was in the middle of someone." The word embarrassed does not cover it.
I had to go to the courthouse to do a bit...
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What's new with you? Things are good here. Summer is passing, the sickly heat is going away and I'm doing more outdoors things again. I have been working to improve my culinary skills and I have to say I do pretty well nowadays. I like them and I have to say Chuck the chiwauwa (I don't know if that is correct spelling) likes the meatloaf....
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In what country is there a place for a man like me? -Andrew Ryan

How go things with you? Things here are great. And no, I am not writing to anyone in particular, but I assume that we know one another if you are reading this so I tend to write personally. This past weekend my high school chums and I had our annual reunion...
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I watched the last india jones flick. The the level of unbelievability was way too high for me. I mean, he survived a nuclear blast. Sorry, should have said spoiler alert. I know there was a level of unbelievability in the others, but this was a bit much. I found myself
watching it though and seeing harrison ford in his old age. I found he...
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SPOILERS! (Click to view)

Nuclear blast... aliens... swinging through the trees with the monkeys.

Yeah, that movie seriously dissapointed me. I almost couldn't watch at time it was so embarressing.

It's just a jump to the left.
I keep meaning to go the Rocky Horror show in Atlanta. My chums tell me I should dress up and do the whole 9 yards. Drag really isn't my thing though. I will however throw the shit out of some water balloons.
There are BBQ joints allover the south. Some have Cajun fries. All they really are is...
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This one is going to be a bit long. As far as the back story whenever dad died I went through his stuff and found his old high school letterman jacket. I'm not sure if your familiar with these but his would have been form the sixties. It has white leather on the arms and a big red letter patch on the breast denoting his...
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Well I passed my first doctoral course with an A. I'm starting to think this doctoral thing is going to blow by like a breeze. The only thing that worries me is the Dissertation. But I haven't been beat yet so I guess I'll keep going.
It's amazing how people will give up something once they realize your going to fight. I can think of...
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I went to a funeral today. I didn't know the guy who was being buried or the family but I needed a place to eat my lunch and it looked peaceful so I pulled in and broke out my pizza. What I noticed was that when the funeral was over everyone was smiling. I couldn't figure out if they were happy as hell that the...
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All my little plans

I sometimes think that I've lived my whole life into hotels. I can't remember the first hotel that I stayed in. It may have been when my house burned down as a child. There have been quite a few hotel stays you know. I always stayed in them when I travelled somewhere, visited friends, dated someone in a different state, or...
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And the red death held sway over all.

As most of you know I went to Atlanta this week for classes in my doctorate course. I always keep a mini recorder with me on trips. If I think of something I want to remember I'll say it on the recorder. Here are my recordings from the weekend:

People wonder why I don't mention the names...
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