So...I work in this hidden reading room in the library, special collections, we house rare books and stuff. We don't get a lot of traffic.

Theres this little countertop ledge thats not much wider than half a foot that runs around the cages that we keep the books locked up behind....
a perfect little ledge....and...what im thinking is:

this ledge needs to be utilized by...
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sounds like a great idea. But you can't have a moaner or screamer or everyone will know.
A moaner and screamer is fine as long as your haveing fun use the countertop in every way posible whatever
Sentimental single one, what causes thee to weep?
Crying, like a crocodile, and sighing very deep;
O! Say, is it Cupidity, that puts you in a flutter?
O! No I'm in a dungeon cold, and scarce a word may utter:
You're in a castle, in the air, and dreaming in broad day;
So, Sentimental Slut, awake, and drive those thoughts away;
Imprisoned, by an uncle...
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I love your work. The writtings great, I love black and white photos.
your cute you konw that drop me a word some time, I'll have a pic up soon smile
One of the ten thousand things I would like to tell [her] but cant (cause it would probably just fuck things up...):

I lied. I didnt really stay sober at the last party just so no one would have to
drunk-sit me.
It was so I could kiss you, Its all I wanted to do all night long, all day long, all week long since...
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journal entry the first: 2004.

ALOT has changed in a year, since I was last a member. I admit, i mooched off of several a body's account here and there since i left, but the whole lay out is wierd and foreign to me now that im actually a member again.

and omg, theres SOOO many more girls.
and profiley questions! weeee!...
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