I've been giving a lot of thought lately to the nature of men and women relating to each other. For those of you tuning in, I came to SG on the heels of a fairly bad dissoultion. If anyone related to the guilty parties is reading this, I won't mention names, but she treated me horribly and then walked out on me for a 36-year-old...
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You know, one of the reasons I've never joined other sites with journal sections is I never thought I had all that much that was interesting to say. The usual pissing and moaning done by anyone, sure, and I've always thought I could turn a phrase as well as the next fellow, but by and large, I just didn't think I had that much of...
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I'm starting to wonder if I'm abnormal... if there really is something medically different about me than the rest of the people I know.

I seem to be the only member of my peer group who can keep his mind in his brain and not his pants. A pretty girl does not cause me to abandon my sense of reason, drinking to excess is not...
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This will be a short entry 'cause I must be departing soon, but it's good news.

I have a job.

I've been unemployed for a year, I've been on the dole for months, and I have a job. It pays well, it's close to home, it leaves me enough hours in the day to have a life (though I have to be up early), and...
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lots of luck kiss
Does it seem to anyone else that sloth is becoming socially acceptable? "I'm lazy" and "I'm hungover" and "I just didn't feel like it" seem to be commonplace excuses for not doing things, and people seem to be getting more and more accepting of it.

"Why didn't you call me back?" "I'm sorry dude, I'm terrible about calling people."

"Didn't you get my voice mail?"...
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There's a... I don't know whether one would call it a religion or philosophy, but it's called "animism". It's the belief that in all things lie a spirit. Rivers, rocks, trees, etc. You find this belief prevalent in shamanism.

I don't know whether I'd consider myself an animist or not, though I was sure my last car hated me. But I've often repurposed old appliances...
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I was going to write something deep and meaningful tonight, but I'm just too damn tired. So instead, I'd like to share a quote from one of my favorite books, "Hagakure"; a collection of thoughts written by a samurai.

"[one] should never have to give his word about doing a thing. It should be enough that he says he will do a thing, and it...
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Blogs... an abbreviation from the word "weblog"... a word that sounds like some sort of digestive malady.

I've always avoided such spaces. when LiveJournal went online, I avoided it like a biohazard zone. Then MySpace and Facebook; same thing. I just never went in for all that self-promotion.

I never know what to put in these things. If I go for the random amusements, then...
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saw ur thread about "fatal frame". you're awesome i love those games.
Thanks--that was a fun night. I don't usually get into horror stuff but that one grabbed me. ....Pardon the pun.
I had a moment of enlightenment recently. It's political in nature, so brace yourself.

Near my house there's a small property with a pickup truck out front. On the tailgate is a sign that says "Obama Change is ruining America!".

Now, I voted for Obama. Since his election, almost every discussion of him on online newsposts degenerates into rascism of a fairly scary bent. So...
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In defense of Virgins:

i was listening to a Stephen Lynch special today, and he was doing his "D&D" song. The last line is "Virgins 'til the day we die".

I am not a virgin; but I think that's a shitty thing to use as an insult. It basically says that as long as you're fucking SOMEONE, you're "cool". To say nothing about whether or...
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