I think I may have met someone.

So we have visitor sessions every year, where people come check out our ecovillage. When I first moved here I thought the intentional community was a female movement. Boy was I wrong, mainly who comes through the viz program are couples, families and single men. Now that's not to say that the occasional single female doesn't stroll through...
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So I have been in contact with a production company who want to follow me as I start up an ecovillage for a major cable network. I'm wonder if there is anyone here who might want to participate in this with me? Hit me up if you are interested or want more information.

Looking forward to hearing from you,


Oh. Well that's easier than when we last spoke about it lol. Not sure if I can do it before the fall...
@mneylu Sorry if I made it sound more complicated than that. I really hope you can make it this fall!!!

So I have chosen to spend the winter in a tent rather than paying too rent in a cushy room here because it's kept me from building a house here. It's been fairly comfortable because I have an electric blanket and down comforter. I fucking LOVE the view!!!

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It looks like such a peaceful place.  Honestly I would lose my mind with cabin fever, but the thought of just listening to the whisper of snow and forest is quite soothing.
@kelpie_ My back is to the ecovillage where I live so not to much fear of cabin fever with all of the different things going on around here.
Telling my life story to the community I live in tonight. I'm a little nervous.
I hope it went well!  I hope i can visit soon as well, I just have noo idea when right now haha
Fucking popularity contests. So recently the group owner of the "Sustainable Living" decided to leave the site and put the group up for a new owner. I nominated myself because I am truly trying to live as sustainable as possible and figured I'd be a good owner of the group. Instead someone who own 3 vehicles got the group. Really people you think 3 vehicles...
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ABSOLUTELY! Here at my house we recycle everything! metal any plastic thats allowed any paper thats allowed and have our own compost buckets inside the kitchen and outside the back door and a huge pile in the back yard. we even recycle our pet waste witha recyclable litter is how far we go! we have barely any trash ever and we actually get paid for the cans and metal! so its a win win! the three car thing is dumb.. you go dude!!
Want to co-star in a web video series?

I've been futzing with an idea for a website for awhile now and I'm starting to put together the piece. The site is called "This Upcycled House" and it will be devoted to reusing and re-purposing things in and around the house. In a some cases even building houses from reclaimed materials. The first series will be...
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lovely! amazing
Thanks smile
I've been pretty damn busy lately, plus I'm not sure this gets read much so, I'm sorry I'm such a crappy blogger. What have I been up to you ask? Working, working and working.

One of the projects I'm working on is a Container House Workshops business. If you have any interest in cargo container homes then you should go to the site and sign...
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I had a torn cornea, then a sinus infection and pneumonia, then christmas happened, then this bronchitis and pneumonia. I so want to come but making plans is difficult. New york china town is a tradition for me.. but i have the spring pretty much free right now which must be a good time to visit yes? biggrin
I was a little bored.

PS I would apologize because it's been soooo long since I last blogged but I'm pretty sure no one is offended lol
perfect first journal entry to read/watch... stoned no less... hello smile
Another blog entry @ Intentional Community Coz. Please share if you were at least mildly entertained wink
holy shit i just checked out the work exchange
Thanks for the FR smile
I posted about a work exchanger opportunity in the jobs forum here but in case you you don;t subscribe to that group but are interested in it I thought I would provide a link in my blog area.

Hey! thanks for you request
For realzies? I'm gonna check, it might be buried...
