! thank you very much for the love and support in my set ...XOXOOO
hello! thanks for the friend request, a huge kiss, you have a nice day kiss
Because sometimes there is no right answer..........

Because sometimes the 135lb girl is really the biggest badass in the room.......

Because sometimes the animated squirrel is the smartest person in the room...

"If your life was a soundtrack; what songs would be on it?" I've asked a couple of my friends this question, but I finally sat down and thought about it myself, and I...
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yeah dude, I think it's sad that people will interpret it/that people found that shit funny.

And the way he described SG is such slanderous bullshit. That's what got me worked up more than anything else. If I were Misty, I'd have tracked him down and beat the total shit out of him cause it's not like he made her sound any better. fucking too.
So Just watched "Cabin in the woods" and "Avengers" and I have to say that Joss Whedon is 2 for 2. Both of these movies really impressed me and I will admit that I did not guess what the story behind "Cabin" ahead of time, and that is pretty impressive in itself.

I have a pretty unique way of judging how much I enjoy a...
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So i've been playing least in sight for awhile now.

Mostly I've been watching entirely too much T.V. lately. Namely "Survior", "The Colony", and "Doomsday preppers." I dont' really consider myself a reality TV Junkie, but I'm hooked on these shows. I like these shows probably for the same reason that i love a good Zombie movie. I like to see what lies under the...
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that's it exactly. my physiotherapist even recommended i start seeing a physical trainer once she was done with me, but i just can't afford it.

my back hasn't gotten back to the point where i need painkillers to get me through the day, so hopefully i managed to nip it in the bud and prevent that from happening again.
Thanks man!
I really need to write a new blog......

Once more into the fray i think...

The beginning of the end.....

It can't rain all the time.....
hahahaha, thanks for commenting on my video from last month. I just saw it. And as always, you were VERY RIGHT.

I think that vampire kid's a dick now. He was always a dbag, actually. I just thought it was funny and now I'm kinda like wow, no, fuck this kid, he's shady as fuck.

as for everything else, idek. I really and truly do have some retards that are on my twitter but such is life. one day they can see how I'll make a living being everything they thought I'd never be. biggrin
At some time in your life you have to realize that reallife isn't some storybook, and the hero doesn't always win. In reality evil usually triumphs...not the evil final bosses of some videogame, but the evil caused by minor injustices each and everday of our lives.

There is a reason why we have sayings such as :
-History is written by the victors
-There is...
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So I finally exhausted by patience with the mechanic that is suppose to be fixing my truck. I called my insurance company today and It felt like a wiegh was taken off of my shoulders.

- Well 3 strikes and you're out. So I'm officailly righting off moving to bama. If someone with experience, veteran peference, and a union reveral, but who lives in another...
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Haha, well, thanks kindaly, dear. I'm sure I'll just take to my blog and rant though. I'm good at rants, not so good at opening up to people.
I hope your dating goes well. And dont be discouraged about the car or the job situation. They'll work out. You just have to keep the faith.