Well...here is a halloween pic before I disappeared mentally...

Went to a "keg" party last night...
I never thought there were so many dorks in the world
I felt totally at ease.
Weird...i just don't think we exist...actually ran into two girls who go to the Portfolio Center, this high falutin design school here, and offered them a job...felt weird giving my card to people...
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Being DORKY is the way to be gurly gurl. I guess your a Dorkette. Big Dork here *lol* That was a very nice touch at the end of your journal ...you made me smile with that bit. I think your way cools and stay that way darling. Type ya later and thanks for the smile ^_^ Paulie O
dork...drunk dork... smile

put on some deoderant...can smell you from here....

I love PBS

It is one of the only charities I give to regularly.
I don't have cable and I don't want it, and I think that most of this is due to PBS.

I love 60 minutes
We watched another "Ken Burns" American Hero,
It was Thomas Jefferson
A perplexing character
so often thought of as this american god/hero
the show on him really...
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re: your new job
(in woody allen voice): need an usher?
[hopefully the context of the quote is known to you and my terrible woody allen imitation won't alienate you]

do you do the sunday crossword?
the south tempts me with its catfish.
i dated a girl who looked like peewee and smelled like boiled hotdogs. she had really nice veins in her arm. i'm no junky, but i love veins. i guess she had a runners build, so you know the veins popping through the skin thing i'm talking about, right?

i like in _fargo_ how that witness described steve b. as "litte weird fella" or something like that. i get that a lot too. i love it. being an imp is awesome.

those aren't all my cats, but like any other sensitive indie boy, i cherish and love cats. send me photos of yours.

secret bruises
in tender places
one lost black glove,
maybe two
so pretty were the girls
all in black
foul breathed
and whipping
beads, jet
corsets, tight, tighter
mink wrapped around a
much too small dress

well, that's one way I would describe this weekend
or as much of it as I can remember...
one minute I was all got up, then next...
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Hi Colette Hope you are feeling better! ^_^ Paulie
Wild! Should I be glad I didn't go to the party? I was sick all day. It was just the flu though frown and not some drinking.

more change
i don't like change
it unnerves me
whether it is good or bad

my superior at the publishing firm has given her 2weeks notice...she is off to be an editor at another magazine...

I will take her place...
this seems like it would be agood thing right?
more money, more control, more "titles"

except I am like a person who has learned...
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What an ammmmazing opportunity!!! Think of everything that you will learn! Titles Shmitles...more pay is nice...just do your very best and dont be scared to ask people for help and support in the beginning, especially your boss whose leaving. They wouldnt be offering you this opportunity if they didnt think you were capable of doing it better than anyone else...

what publication is it? which film guides (i have them ALL)...
update your journal goddammit! j/k....are you feeling better miss thang? smile i talked to "james" today...i LOVE you thanks for the job lead...you're the best! *KISSSS* but it will just be some freelance work...not perm unfortunately..but it's something!! i'm excited. he's gonna call me again tomorrow to work out the details.
anyway i'll talk to you soon! *KISSKISS*
what a dead ass weekend i had

I had quite a few libation friday with friends...we went back to my house and i promptly got into my pjamas...and never took them off the whole weekend. The same friends came over sat and sun and still, the same pjamas...i was fairly rank by today. Drank too much gin sat. passed out in bed with artpunk...while the...
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I like what you wrote up there...above....

I alos prefer movies at home with the DVD...

by the way Y Tu Mama Tambien should be out on vid this week or next...and Greek Wedding is worth a matinee price.....
hey thanks for the compliments. myriad MM huh? hee hee.

i work for house of blues corporate office. creative services. bleh. i do some freelance. i miss editorial design sometimes.

yeah, death is a weird sensation. it's strange but yet it isn't.
Here goes

I feel like I am going to explde!
I feel so excited my head really hurts...
sO I went to this seminar today for the Magazine Assosciation of Georgia and the speaker was David Carson...what's in a name, right?
he starts spekaing and I am dying! It was like going to see Charles Anderson... a couple of weeks ago..weak kneed I get...
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No your not wierd ...your unique and way cools!
you are NOT weird...I like the way your mind works......it's like people that come in my house and think it's weird because it does not look like a Crate and Barrell catalog......eclectic mixture of things I like including Disney, marrionettes hanging from the ceiling, different art, bondage photos, gargoyles on the wall, Pottery Barn....just everything from inside...

I like to come here just to say your name...."Colette"...

in school did anyone ever call you salmon colette?

I am eating popcorn for lunch today
It is good.
goooo--oood, like Frankenstein would cry.

It was rainy yesterday and today. I love rain, but not when I am in it, I was cold and shivering all day so I had to get a bottle of port and drink it with mon ami and some hohos.

Which are better?
HoHos or Swiss Cake Rolls?...
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i'm not sure how i feel about this boyfriend...
and hoho's are better.
SWISS CAKE ROLLS! mmmm *smack* *wallowing around on the floor clutching tummy*

SO it's been a job interviewin' week for me! i had one today...that went well and i have a second interview tomorrow...it looks like i have the job if i want it..but i'm not sure i do. the money would be *really* good...but it wouldn't be anything to do with graphic design..it would be selling artwork to businesses....kinda sucky, but the people there are really cool...all young and creative people..they were playing rage against the machine and techno music in the office! lol

anyway then the job i REALLY want i went and filled out an application today...In house graphic artist for the Masquerade! how cool would that be? the receptionist chick had pink hair!! so i know there's no dress code! smile

anyway...hope work is going well for you... if i take the job in norcross...yeah that's where it is...it's off of 85N, so if you want, we could carpool in the morning! i would pass right by your exit everyday..sooo that would be neato bandito!


we need to go dancing soon! NOW!

Yeah! My bosses are on vacation this week...so we are getting a keg a tthe office...I wish, but it is still cool, hence I am on here at 9am!

I have a half smoked cigarette next to me on the desk and it is stinky...so stinky I will smoke it very soon.

This weekend was very domestic...very 50's. I cleaned and cleaned...I even washed the...
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silly girl. smile i'm tellin' you...we need to have Hedonism II soon! haha all that food and wine and pot...mmmmmmmmmmmm

what did i tell you about your stinky butt? damn girl! haha sorry. um. hehe. yeah.
ok, i'm working out some stream of conciousness before i work out my own dumb haiku journal.

the fishing description was awesome. i too, have been fishing w/ hungry dogs.

i don't know about your location, but here, it's fucking 'dress week' at Ross. there's no suit week here. it's making me wonder if this is some kind of Ross regional scam...

full meal weed popcorn and pbs. killer.

i don't know alot about bob vila online but i do know this:

bosses on vacation are the best kind of bosses.

thanks again for the fishing story tho. that's dope g.

Today is personal ad day...how fun!

So anyone who read my last post knows I can be insane...but it happens to everyone once in awhile...

Well here goes...

I am: an amazonian girl for the south, i like it. My hair is always short or long or red or blond or blue. I am 26 (yesterday!) and terribly neurotic. I have a hard time socializing....
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well well well
we were born on the same day, same year.. 10:15 am for me.. and yourself?

we share a lot of the same qualities. how cute is that?
travel and languages are my favorite things ever.

horray for birthday dinners.
sounds positively lovely.
thank you for your interest in the robot army.

unfortunately, that robot is now out of service due to the likes of pbr, some fucked up blues, and a penchant for the lanes. please use the above contact link for further projects, scams, innuendo, and pyramid schemes.

Okay Here I am after a long time away...it is 8:55am and I am at work trying to write this before anyone else comes into the office...I bet I will hear from no one seeing as I have been away for such a long time.

Awful AWful things happened for so long...and they continue.

First the Mentholgrrl fight.
Thank god that is over...but amusing what...
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Happy Birthday Colette.. I hope
hope you had a wonderful birthday
Something I wrote a long while ago...sad and not so.

She doesn't think I love her. She thinks it is fake. Does she think I am fake? Well she is right. I don't really exist. I am my image. She fell in awe of an image. Most do. But she is not most. She is a true artist. She is a writer, one of passion,...
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oh my goodness Colette, dear oh dear!
That was. . .God I don't want to sound cheezee or ridiculous by saying, 'oh it was so beautiful! ah i'm enraptured......*sigh*'
seriously, you express yourself so eloquently and my god I know how you feel and i thought i was the only freak who felt like a 'dike'
my friend dee always has her nails and toenails beautifully painted in reds and light pinks. and allen's sister is such a girly girl sometimes, her brows are so manicured and perfect and her nails are always painted with outrageous colors. sometimes i feel this horrible self-consciousness like when i see people look my way and they smirk or grin, or laugh or whisper to others, i think they "must" be talking about me. i must be so hideous and strange.
i don't know what growing up for you was like, but school and church *when i went* was the worst! i hate those damned cliques and snobs and the stupid people not just in the south, but everywhere, when they gossip and mock and sneer, and say immature and ridiculous things!

oh my! sorry. i know that wasn't what your writing was really about. i mean i find myself trying to tidy up my perpetually dissheveled hair and looking in a mirror every chance i get (well not that obsessively, but you know) critiqueing my body's shape, my pimple, my hair, which i'm trying to grow out, and sometimes i just have to throw my hands in the air and say, "ahhh fuck it charlie brown!"
but so this is how artists are, we're self-conscious, introspective, and freaks sometimes. i sometimes feel shunned and liked. but i do have a tendency for the ludicrous and the craziest things flow from my mouth and fingers.

you're the loveliest colette
oh my...lovely sexy pic! i don't believe i've ever seen that one.. *s*
Haven't been here for a bit.

Fucking 2am right now.

Fucking I hate being awake when I am not supposed to be. I drank copiously at work today, i should be passed out forever...alas. The boy, fucker, fucker! woke me up.

one great thing, I got my car back today. She has been in the hospital for quite a while, we weren't sure if she...
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hi babe...sorry you couldn't sleep!! frown i slept too much...i just woke up..it's noon! shit...i don't really like sleeping that late. *sigh* i'm happy that you got your car back...i can't wait for you to come pick me up! hehe you really aren't driving me too crazy with your low fat stuff...i just like to tease..i loved the ostrich burgers and pierogies! smile anyway...i'm about to email ya.
what's the point of having taste if you can't enjoy good food and drink?