I believe one of my dear friends killed herself friday...

I hope she is alive, i have been desperately trying to reach her the ONLY way I can and she can only access that resource by walking an hour and a half from where she lives...

If this is her current life then im saving up to move to live with her...
frown me to, if she did take her life it is very sad, does she live far from you?
Im back in california, it.... kinda sucks.

i cried quite a bit the past few days, a combination of fear of the failure of a recent relationship, disapointment with my living situation, and the catch 22 of my life, safety and boredom in florida, or things to do and dirty violence in california.... sigh...

I've also noticed a drastic decrease in my sex drive....
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Haha that's epic, & insightful, maybe I'll give the self sodomy a try. Thanks haha biggrin
I put up a few of my drawings, I will put up more when I am back in california and have my laptop again.

Oh! And I return to California on June 8.
Fuck yeeeeeeaaaaaaaah.

I find it humorous that I gernerally dislike being considered masculine, yet one of my favorite animes is so over emasculine, its one gay joke from being a big cover...
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that explains why yoko is so sexy
dude you have some good stuff in your profilesmile
Oh wow.
interesting few days.
I began looking into myself and realized how creepy and insensitive i have been... it is horrible knowing all the freaky shit ive said asking stupid questions and all that.
Its awful, ive been reclusive and antisocial for the past 9 months and all bounderies are blured and even non existent.... i miss when i wasnt a douche or desperate...
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hahah funny pic profile tongue
Honestly, Asian Kung Fu Generation and Dir en grey are the two greatest japanese bands ever
If anyone wants to talk to me, im open, i demand messages! Please?

Im sure theres a few people in my freinds list i pissed of with my magical ability to try too hard and offend people and expell my fake opinions that ive used to throw my dad off my liberal scent growing up that have become a horrible reflex....

Im sorry everyone ive...
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awwwww thanx again !!!!!!!!

see ya tomorrow!
MAN! im awful at social relasionship creation now, i get to nervous to message people unless they go first... hhahaha.......ha...... :T

I'm tired and unhappy...

this song is amazing.
That song is epicly amazing, rest & get happy please. biggrin
Who else does this...

Send friend/suicidegirl/hopeful you love chatting with a message.

Then you sit in the inbox, and refresh over and over, and if it takes to long, you check the page to see if they're online or not.

Omg, I'm pathetic! XP

Btw, got Emmure's new album, its far better than all of their previous efforts, that is not saying much at all,...
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Woot woot!