leaving for a while; chances are i'll be back soon
Wait! Can I come with you?
Yo man I have a tattoo magazine with Janine in it. Have you ever seen her full sleeve, dude its the fuckin sexiest shit I've ever seen in my life
Well hello. I haven't journaled in a while...basically because I just haven't felt like it and haven't had all that much to report; still don't really but that's never stopped me before. I think I'm going up to Santa Barbara this weekend; hope the weather is nice. I've been reading "Stif: The Curious Lives..." and all I can say is that I'm REALLY glad that...
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such an awesome name.
wheres natheaniel merriweather?
I like the post about The Dead Zone. That's a great name, by the way.
Yeah, I saw that link. Funny, but in a sad, tragic way...

Bush and Co. really do believe in outsourcing: http://www.hindustantimes.com/news/181_758377,0008.htm

That is just too good. I can't resist writing an article on that. Brilliant. Thanks for the link.

And I hear you about getting on the water - though I'm a windsurfer, not a "real" surfer.

"For if there is a sin against life, it consists in perhaps not so much in despairing of life as in hoping for another life and in eluding the implacable grandeur of this life."
"Tell me who you walk with and I will tell you who you are."
Haven't trained in martial arts consistently since I moved back to LA. I've studied JKD, San Shou. Boxing and Muy Thai, but the past two years nada, except a little boxing now and then. Was looking for a San Shou school here but can't find one. Likely I will end up joining the LA Boxing Club.
I'll still be here! Just not everyday.
Just don't forget about me. oink
Very strange night last night. It was so fucking hot in my apartment that rather than simply trying to sleep when I went to bed, I meditated to take my mind off of the heat. It worked but I don't think I ever really got to sleep. The whole night seemed to pass me while I was in that waking sleep state. Of course it...
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Heh, another Jam fan....the heat had been unbearable. Its worse in Pasadena where I work. I see you are in the martial arts group. do you train here in LA?
Thanks for the info. I think I'm leaning towards Venice for the sole reason that I want to emulate Indiana Jones every day of my life by sighing "Ah, Venice". You been in the area long?
Saw Kill Bill V2 this weekend; it's great. Go see it. That is all.
I will. Thats all. Oh and yes I got the package. Sounds great. So its a no go on the E.N.? No problem if so. I'll just order it on line for cheap.
It's 3:00, I'm at work and I'm a little drunk on sangria. Yay for me. smile
Ha! I used to go into work drunk all the time. Drunk+work= interesting experience.
I'm so FUCKING pissed. mad I just found out that I missed not one but two Twilight Singers' shows. mad mad And you know what the worst part is? It's my own fault because I've been slack about looking in the Weekly for upcoming shows! mad mad mad If I could kick my own ass I would. frown
That article is absolutely hilarious (and frightening at the same time.) Thanks for the head's up, I was hoping something interesting would turn up that I could put on the newswire today.
Yo, dude. Yeah, that Quannum show was amazing...
I don't really know who is who. I knew Blackalicious going in but that was it.
Shadow (who most of the crowd was there to see) did a little solo but he mainly scratched while everyone else was on stage...He had "the first" dvd turntable which was super cool. You'd see the image on the screen and he'd be scratching that like you do with a record (or in this case cd)...
As you know, all of those guys have a million projects so they did some solo stuff and then they'd bring out one of the other guys and do a tune with them...One of the backup singers who sings with Blackalicious and probably some of the other projects sang a song that's going to be on her solo album...
Basically the lineup kept changing. Gift of Gab would be out by himself. Then he'd leave. Shit...Sorry, I don't know everyone's name otherwise I could really tell you how things went...
The show was probably close to three hours and that was non stop. One song would end as another started and as that was going on, different mc's would jump out and start their tune...It was a non stop old school hip hop party!
Well it seems that my girlfriend is done with her sleep deprivation study that she was unwittingly conducting on me and I was finally able to get some quality rest Friday and Saturday; I feel so much better. However if this heat is here to stay I might be hopping back on the tired train.
no...what's going on w/ them?
awesome mad