Egad! Christmas is almost upon us and my shopping isn't done. Oh, what will I do? Tkae the dogs for a walk, I guess.
haha done and done.
Ive always wanted to shoot a bb gun, haha! Why oh why did I have to be a GIRL? Would I have gotten the bb gun for xmas if I had been a boy? We'll never know! I *did*, however, buy myself an air pistol when I was 14, and shit those suckers can hurt SOOO badly when u get hit with them, way worse than paintballs! I used to setup cans on a fence and go to town. Im a great shot wink

Why not fly out to australia some yr to make it happen with ur kids/grandkids?
Thanksgiving Day is nearly upon us, and I will be spending it with my brother's in-laws in Kalamazoo. It will be potluck, so there'll be plenty of good food and fellowship.

The puppy-demon, a German Shepherd and Rottweiler mix, is growing like a weed and is becoming more civilized. Except for an occasional slip, he's almost house trained. He's still a puppy-demon, though, and sneaks...
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You always give me the best replies to my journals! That also tells me that you are truly reading them, haha, most ppl just skim through or just answer the questions ... and most of the time the answers are breif and didnt seem to spark anything in their brains like I had intended. Im here to give u a round of applause *hands clapping*
lmmfao - great thought. Oh the things you could pull out of that CD slot.
After some of the most pleasant fall weather I can ever remember, it has finally turned chilly and rainy. It's getting close to the time when I have to break out the winter gear. Yuck! The leaves are beginning to fall which means raking and bagging. I get too many leaves to bag them all, so most end up along the back fence line.

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Dude, I dont even know how to make comments on ppls blogs anymore, they changed it so much, lol! I hope Im doing this right! wink

Thanks for visiting my page! Of course I remember u, Im glad you're still here after so long! You didnt say what kind of puppy u got tho. frown

I love the autumn leaves, they are so beautiful when the wind blows them around ... except when they blow into my car. I've had to vacuum it three damn times this week. wink

BI bi!!
Aww man, u got the best of both worlds with that new pup of yours, I love both breeds probably equally. Then agn I also love dobermans, so I wouldnt know which of the three to get. Thats amazing that your lab is so old! Big dogs have such short lives in comparison to small ones. You must be giving him one hella good reason to stick around wink Maybe it's cuz you're "a handsome lad" lol
After four weeks this miserable chicken pox revisited seems to be dissipating. Mobility is returning to my arm, though it's still weak. The pain persists, though much less than it was. It was irritating not being able to even get the tube of toothpaste from the medicine cabinet with my right hand. Now I can grasp the tube and squeeze it to my heart's delight....
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After my brother got most of his things cleared out and went back to Pittsburgh, it's been rather dull around here. I go to Planet Rock on Fridays and Saturdays and drink a few beers while getting my eardrums pounded by heavy metal, but other than that, not much happening.

Oh, yeah! I forgot! This week has been rather trying. I got poison Ivy and...
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oh my! i imagine u have been in a lot of pain! the shingles are very bad (i've heard). my mom had it for months, and my roommate had it (on his backside!!).

get some echinacea, vitamin E...take care & get well soon!!!
Yippee! My laptop is now back in business and I no longer am getting "Runtime Error 6025." After a billion downloads to upgrade my software, SG seems to be working.

The next few weeks are going to be mighty busy. My nephew is getting married and my brother is coming up from Pittsburgh to pack and move his stuff into storage. That will relieve a...
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ha no, but it is encouraged.
thank you smile

you've always had the nicest comments for me blush
Well, it seems I did not fix the problem that was causing Runtime Error 6025. I got SG to work temporarily on my laptop, but then the error started popping up again. I haven't a clue what is causing it. Any suggestions? frown
For ages my laptop was haunted by spyware. It was the classic wretched spyware that sent pop-ups to my screen whenever I got onto the NET. There was everything from E-Bay to porn flitting across my screen. I tried all of the software you could think of to scan for it and remove it. Hijack, Ad-Aware, McAfee--nothng worked. I even tried reloading the operating system...
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Mac's are the way forward wink glad you got it sorted though x
i don't believe horror movies and kids are a bad combination...as long as they know it's just a movie! i started watching them when i was still a kid, and i think i turned out fine!

For me, the renfair season is beginning. This week we set up our booth at Mayfair in Marshall, Michigan, a small fair that lasts for two weekends. I'm sure I'll run into lots of old acquaintances as the season gets under way. Fun!

I'm also getting a new old car this week, a lovely Toyota Cressida luxury sedan. For an old beast, it's in beautiful...
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good luck with new car kiss kiss kiss
it's just a one room apartment. but it's so nice! In a great location too smile
At last, a nice weekend! I went downtown to the Brownstone House and heard a friend of mine's Rock band play. It was such a beautiful night that the door of the coffee house was left open to let in the fresh air. Anyway, someone passing by complained to the police about the loud music. Humorously, the Gestapo didn't show up until the concert was...
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actually, i have taken acting classes...back in high school. it is a really interesting thing, though. people read body language even when they dont know it. sorta scarey how your subconcious can do things like that.
its in hopefuls and my pics
Jin posted this questionaire on her blog. If you wish, fill it out.

1. Your Name:
2. Age:
3. Fave Color:
4. Are you a virgin?
5. Are we friends?
6. Do you have a crush on me?
7. Would you kiss me?
8. ...with tongue?
9. Would you enjoy it?
10. Would you ever ask me out?
11.Would you make a move on me...
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haha. cute. I hope you're well.
It's fun to read the reactions to the new changes to SG. I guess it's like when you were a kid and were constantly cracking your head on table corners--after a while you get used to it! smile