Alright, it's been over a month since my last post because I've been HELLA busy! In the past month I finished my first year of grad school, moved to Cali, and started interning at a record label. I can't believe I've been living out here for almost a month already! It's back to Vegas in August, but in the mean time I'm taking all the...
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hi i am a long time admirer of sg but just recently became a member
i also just moved to santa fe after a 11 year stent in pittsburgh wich is a major factor in my recent membership.you see after so many years in pittsburgh sex kind of just grew on trees and then i move here and have to make new conections and find new trees
so i figured i would get a membership to help get me through some lonley nights but what i didnt expect was to find an online comunity of resorces and mutants with a simalar bent to my owne who already no the lay of the land
so all in all thus far sg has been helping alot more than i thaught it could

this is my first exrerience in bloging at people and the like and had never concidered doing it before
my views on it up until this point were based on what i had seen on my space wich to me is to me a giant ciurcet party for 40 somethings posing as teens and teens posing as adults i know that is not it's only use but i still cant condone that sort of thing
at least here i have a reasonable asumption that i'm speaking to grownups or some faximaly thare of
well i hope this will be helpfull spelling erors and all
by the way i think your gorgous and if your in grad school than i'd wager that your no slouch in the smarts department
maybe we could get together and have a shot of patron on cinco de mayo, chica, even though you are an aggie-girl. have you tried osaka sushi on flamingo? i havent yet, but i hear its super-rico.
Yay, so my SuicideGirls paper is done! 25 pages of talk about culture, counterpublics, hegemony, political discourse, and pornography. Whew! Glad that's through. Even better, I got an "A" on it, so now i'm sure my prof's hooked on SuicideGirls too smile
So now I have to figure out if I want to keep this membership or not. I like it around here, lots of beautiful...
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Congrats on the paper. I majored in Management Information Systems. I have given some thought to going back and getting my MBA, but I think I need to take a year or two off...get some money in the bank. You made some valid points on your last comment to me. I can certainly understand your reservations, but this woulld be the place to do it. I am sure that there are a few guys out there that would make great Suicide Boys. This one has some work to do, but I'm "curvy" and I like it that way. wink

[Edited on May 08, 2006 9:37PM]