So I rode to Hiawasse and went to the British in the Blue Ridge rally this past weekend. I've tried to make it up there every year for the last 5 or so. I had a good time riding with Martina, but the weather was extremely hot. I took some pictures which I posted in an album on my myspace page. The entrance fee was...
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So the nameless got my creative juices flowing and I'm starting a new framing project. Working in 3 dimension for the 2nd or 3rd time is going to be a challenge, but if it was that easy then everyone would do it. Whenever I start to think about layers, paint, and trying not to overwhelm the central picture with the surrounding, I always have to...
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I have been a huge house fan since I was young!
I still plan on trying to see then live one day or at least meeting them at one of the festivals!

Hope all is well!
This past month has really been something else. I met an interesting woman at a barbecue I went to on March 16th. The ride has been great if not completely without pain in more than one sense of the word. After being invited to one of the most interesting Easter / Birthday parties I ever attended which revolved around hunting for easter eggs and doll...
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never say die.....until your too dead to say it. smile
(okay the secret is out now....deep down I am a geek)
Thunder boomers and Texas er uhh Georgia tornadoes. I was out and about last night riding and I saw the lightning before it started to rain in my area. I had some friends inside the Ga Dome working as well as the Hyatt downtown. Glass and broken stuff everywhere. I wonder how the damage to the dome will affect my end of the renovation we...
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come meet the new generation of locals next friday - perhaps we can even convince ol' AlasPoorYorick to stop by and talk bikes with us smile
So I've been listening to "The National" today. "Boxer" is their new album. I like it quite a bit. It has a clean real sound with a bit of grit. Right up my alley.


They have a myspace page too. Check them out.

Roller Derby was a good bit of fun. It was really friggin cold yesterday though. I'm going to have to go...
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So i'm going to the roller derby tomorrow. It should be a lot of fun I think. I'm still trying to decide whether or not to go to the race on Sunday. Nascar's in town this weekend and I love speed. I guess I'm a little bit of a redneck sometimes. Work's been busy the last couple of weekends, but I'm hoping to plan a...
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The old ones are gone for the most part, so lets find the new.

Who is still left in Atlanta that likes dyed hair,piercings, and women with tattoos ?

Motorcycles and and the Blue Ridge Mountains are things I need around.

Colorful personalities and sarcasm must also abound.

So where are the Aliens I wonder ? Tell me where.

Especially the ones with long purple...
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I like dyed hair, piercings, and women with tattoos. And I'm in ATL. Therefore, I win.
After years of waiting and wishing the bike fairy has finally arrived and left this at my doorstep. If you get anywhere near the right side of this device while on the road you will either be

A. Extremely Aroused

B. Terrified and or Offended by the loudest noise you probably ever heard .

C. Doing what B says and doing your best to get...
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i offically hate you tongue
It's been a few days. Winter Music was great. I got an invite to A private party for Audio Therapy. Dave Seaman's label. I got to meet with Dave, Stel, Lexicon Avenue, and Phil K. I've been waiting 8 years for this opportunity, so I had a great time. That was followd up by a 12 hour session at Club Space for the best progressive...
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Glad you liked my tired ass biggrin