Finally made it to Houston. Hooray!
Moving to Houston at the end of the month. Glad to be getting back to Texas!
Ha ha.
I'm back. A little saltier but the sea has not beaten me yet.
Welcome back 

So....Update. Finally got all my stuff here. Lot's to unpack. The wife is enjoying the city. About to go out to sea for a month. That pretty much covers it. I suck at blogging.
You really do suck at blogging lol. Why you going out to see for a month??
So i just moved to San Diego. About to get married. Life's pretty good. If you're in the San Diego area and enjoy rock climbing then hit me up.
It was nice meeting you all
and thanks a ton for the ride and the mountain dew

Since noone reads my blog I thought I'd turn it into an advertising space.
If you need a photographer and you are in the virginia area then you shoould talk to the famous:
If you need a photographer and you are in the virginia area then you shoould talk to the famous:
That testimonial that you left on treetalker's page is AMAZING.
I didn't read this . . . . I wasn't even here! 


So in the spirit of good moods I am leaving a random blog letting all who care know that I am well. I'm about to get into bed with a beautiful girl and try to get a good nights sleep. I hope all you out there in internet crazyville are doing well.
Good evening. It is now time to commence the non periodic rant: FUCK!!! Why must everything be ruined. Used to be that I could go on places like myspace or craig's list and read through the personals and laugh at the funny ones. However there is a string of cam girls and sex site bitches who deam it necessary to throw a ridiculous amount of...
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OK, I've read it. Just took a little time.
Myspace is pissing me off. I constantly have friends requests and messages from either cam girls, dating website girls, or survey girls. WTF. I accept band friend requests but when they clog up the bulletin section by posting the same post everyday about a show that is nowhere near me, that pisses me off too. Posts alone piss me off. Friends post shit that is...
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Dont you fucking love myspace bots too?
Fucking modelesque bitches with their check out this website "I made 500 dollars off taking one survey" ....
I fucking agree whole heartedly. myspace is bullshit...yet we still keep crawling back to it.....
Its a drug.
Fucking modelesque bitches with their check out this website "I made 500 dollars off taking one survey" ....
I fucking agree whole heartedly. myspace is bullshit...yet we still keep crawling back to it.....
Its a drug.
ugh. . . I know I know
I hate that crap
it's even worse now that everyones account is getting hacked
I think I understand why so many people have private profiles now
I just made it so you have to know my last name to add me.
and also made it so I could screen comments before they are posted.
It's all in the privacy settings
(I wrote a whole album about myspace, and most of this stuff is addressed in crazy loud grindcore fashion)
ugh. . . I know I know
I hate that crap
it's even worse now that everyones account is getting hacked
I think I understand why so many people have private profiles now
I just made it so you have to know my last name to add me.
and also made it so I could screen comments before they are posted.
It's all in the privacy settings
(I wrote a whole album about myspace, and most of this stuff is addressed in crazy loud grindcore fashion)
I should be fat. I got off of work today and realized I hadn't eaten much for the day. I kinda forgot abut it and went rock climbing. I climbed for about three hours and by the time I got home it was 7. I was fuckin' starvin so i checked the fridge and saw i had salad in there. I decided to eat it...
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I Love It!!! Full of interesting People
Photos Of Friends They May Or May Not Know I Have