Well its Memorial Day and I have to work it. Love the resturant business because everyday its open and you don't get holiday pay or sick days. Anyways, Im thinking about joining the local gym to loose some weight and tighten some things up. Maybe I will keep a photo journal to track my progress.
digging for gold! wink i agree, it sucks when you work in an industry that doesn't stop for holidays, or after 6 pm, etc etc frown you should keep a photo journal, so we have more pics of your hot hot self
Woke up at 11am after being up all night talking to a few new friends online. My week is filled with fun events. I am hanging out with a girl I just met last night. We are probably hitting up the bar and if we both felt into each other enough after talking last night, we might leave the bar early and have fun. Thursday...
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The burgh has its times, but I would like to see what else is out there. I already dig the accents of girls in SC/NC and am all about a cute butt in tight jeans.
Sounds like you have some good times planned for the week. wink haha Pittsburgh's awesome but you're around there enough that getting out to other places is a blast. I know what you mean about the south tho (well, didn't get the chance to see many good butts in tight jeans haha). Very nice people with great southern drawls. Seemed like there were definitely lots of good looking people of both sexes when we visited Charleston. You might wanna try there next.... haha And I've been well, thanks. smile Other than my boy went and broke his femur and is covered in a cast. Poor kid. Enjoy your week! biggrin
Well today is my first day back from vacation in North Carolina. The girls were pretty and the accents were sexy, but I didnt get any action. I loved the size of the shots down there and will demand bigger shots up here.
not in a blue state ! : P
Yay for sinus problems. Well I started getting bad sinus problems last year and since I didn't have insurance or the cash to pay for it, I never saw the doctor about it. Now, Im paying for it big time with the worst sinus pain I have ever had. Im off to the doctors tomorrow to get fixed up.
yeah....sinuses are a total bitch. I get sinus headaches alot.
Well tonight I get to host MY first production of live bands. I used to just run sound for my ex when she worked in Oakland and did shows, but this time its all me. I booked the bands, got the flyers made and Im running sound. If any of the local members or models want to show up for a Rock/Metal concert in the...
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hey long time no talk...
I highly reccomend seeing 300 ASAP! The movie is incredible and blows away Troy, which is hard to do, but damn it did. Its very realistic and follows the history of that time very closely. Lots and lots of action, gorey and filmed by the creator of Sin City. So that means the action scenes are slowed down so you can really get a grasp...
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Thank you for such sweet words. blush I have to wonder if you were somehow impaired in your judgement when you wrote that comment... The girl is downright amazing! Like...wow... eeek love Hope that you have a great day!
How are you doing? Hope that you're having a good week. Take it easy smile
Another fun drinking holiday has come and gone without having a girlfriend, but hey, atleast I don't have to shell out a shit load of money on drinks she is gonna end up puking up later. Anyways, I got to run live sound for my friend's band Zilch tonight at my friend's bar. This was the first time a band has played at the bar...
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WOO HOO St. Patty's day! Didja have much fun? smile Yeah and by the way i do only clean house naked so you would have to pay more lol!
Later Spider
Hope that the gig went well for you. I'm a bit of a show fiend...go when I can but not nearly as much as I'd like. I can barely see some of my favorite bands let alone have the chance to check out the lesser known talent. Unfortunately for me. frown What is the name of your friend's bar? I'll probably be in PIttsburgh for a Pens playoff game. I'll have to look for it. wink
Well if you read my last blog you would know that at my current job the illegal aliens who work there have been harassing me and my boss takes their side and lets them do it. Well, Im currently looking for a new job. I have found one and got an interview for it that went very well. Hopefully when I go back to get...
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Thanks for the comments on my "Revolution" set! kiss

Pittsburgh rocks! (not from there but love the area biggrin )
Well I feared this day and it has finally happened at my job.... REVERSE DISCRIMINATION! I work in a resturant so now a days its natural to have a few latin blooded workers to be working there. Well my boss hired about 15 "illegal" aliens to work there and he treats them alot better than the american workers. They harass me verbally and they even...
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dude thats terrible.you should tellyour boss if it continues that you will quit. or file a harrassment suit! I bet he would make changes if you say that.
Hey everyone, my tax return toys came in today. Now I can view you on my 19" widescreen LCD monitor and my 512 MB video card makes your sexy pictures even crisper and smoother than before. I am so amazed on how good the graphics are in World of Warcraft and on any video game trailer I see. Hit me up and let me know...
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Ok kids, I hear you have been kinda depressed lately and not happy, either family, financial, or personal problems have been bothering you. I hope everyone feels better and happens to run into some luck and everything works out for the best. All the SG's who have been feeling down, *KISS*. To all my friends who have been feeling down, *HUG*, and to everyone else,...
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hey sweety...thanx for the comment on my set..I am glad you liked it!
enjoy the rest of your weekend!
seriously i have noticed that too...hopefully spring will bring happier days for everyone. glad i have a partner in crime in trying to cheer people up wink
oh and I know it is pretty late but I wanted to say thanks for commenting on my set smile I really appreciate it!
Happy Birthday to me. Im 24 today ladies and gents. Im accepting presents if anyone is up for it. Im looking for Guitar Hero 2 with the guitar, blank dvds, and Taladaga Nights Widescreen on dvd. biggrin
thanks so much for the set comment, it's nice to see the fishnets get some love, since i think they're pretty rad myself. smile
thanks for yr comment on my set!!!!!!
