My phone is back and that means INTERNET ACCESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's amazing how much I missed this modern contraption wink
Tonight it's pizza and movies with Zach & Amber.....and my special fella. It's hilarious to discover what stage we are in with our relationship. Its now in the lets-hang-out-with-other-couples stage. Double dates galore but we still have romantic nights for just us. Christmas was greatr, new years...
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Like the new pic! biggrin
'Cause I was tagged wink

1. What is the middle name of the first person you ever slept with or had sex with? Ryan...David Ryan teale? Or was it David Aaron?

2. What kind of underwear are you wearing and what color? I'm going commando right now

3. What is the song you want played at your funeral?
Turning japanese

4. What would your last meal...
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I have a crush one someone at work and he asked me to dinner...I told mom and she said thank god, I don't think she likes jason alot.....
there are major problems and a fight on new years. almost had them worked out and now he is leaving these guilt trip messages on my phone, he did it tonight, he went home called here and then went back over to joshies.....urggggggg.....not putting to much into dinner...could be a just friends thing, but he is really funny and smart.....you should call...I'm going to be at grandpa's or home...sissy
I'm dying of boredom & exhaustion. This is a terrible combination frown
Cabin fever has struck but I'm unable to leave the house. BIG night tomorrow!!!! It is the anniversary of massacre of sand creek. November 29, 1864 over 200 cheyenne men, women, & children were slaughtered on sandcreek. The main location is called 'third bridge'.......a haunted 'hot spot' in Colorado. Call it morbid fascination or...
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If you are terribly bored, you can always message me.
I love last-minute plans. Even if they involve a coffee shop.
Tag, you're it.

1. What is the middle name of the first person you ever slept with or had sex with?

2. What kind of underwear are you wearing and what color?

3. What is the song you want played at your funeral?

4. What would your last meal be before getting executed?

5. Beatles or Stones?

6. If you HAD to pick one person on earth who should die, who would it be?

7. The person whose problems you would never want to hear again?

8. What is the thing most important to you (physical) about the preferred sex?

9. Do you secretly hate some of your friends but are too nice to reject them?

10. If you could have any super power what would it be?

11. Favorite hangover cure?

12. How many drinks does it take to get you drunk?

13. Favorite Song Lyric?

14. Hair color you most like someone you're dating to have?
15. If you had to be blind or deaf?

16. Do you have any psychiatric problems?

17. Siblings that should go to rehab?

18. Least favorite month?

19. First movie you can remember seeing as a kid?

20. Favorite person in the whole world?

21. When's the last time you went on a date?

22. Do you like violent movies or dirty movies?

23. Fall or spring?

24. Person you most wish you hadn't made out with?

25. If you are straight, what person of the same sex would you do it with?

26. Where do you want to live when you are old and brittle?

27. Who is the person or persons you can count on the most?

28. If you could date any celebrity past or present, time and age who would it be?

29. What books have you pretended you've read?

30. What's a word you would use to describe your life?

31. Favorite drinking game?

32. What did you dream last night?
Thanks, some day I may actually make it as a writer, who knows smile Good luck with yours too... gorgeous picture by the way, very nice.
I've been on a exercise kick....losing weight is fine but now I want to be toned.....
To help this process I've moved the elliptical machine upstairs along with some sit-up contraption and a thighmaster. It must be the desire to look better naked blush
I also want to give modeling a shot. Or perhaps photography....There are some wicked ideas streaming out and I really want to...
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that sounds like a great idea for a photo shoot........good luck with that!!
Angela beat me to the punch.

I actually went to their meeting last night and they seem to be a solid bunch of cats (except for Daniel, you have to watch out for that kid).
MiDtErM grades are in! I'm happy to report I'm in top form!!
The journalism program has been fun....fun as college can get....today a friend and I sat down and figured our classes for next semester. beginning Editing, reporting, photojournalism, Spanish, and then HOPEFULLY a easy creative class....Belly dancing?
right now I'm fighting off the symptons of yet another nasty flu-bug-pest-thing. WTF is up with this...
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cake or death?
Back from Mexico. It was great. Feeling any better?
Looks like you're having fun during this Halloween high holiday. I am on the other hand being lame as can be frown

I'mconsulting on a campaign an i'm working 10-12 hour days and even on the weekend. it will be over on tuesday though and life will return to normal

where was that party you went to with the pix?
Animals! Yay. Two of the dogs are really my sister's, but since we all live together, they're still pretty much family dogs. The other two are a little more my Mom's, but really family dogs too. The kitties are my sister's, and they stay down in her basement apartment, so I don't see them as much. They come up into the main house once in a while under supervision. They're nice kitties. The biggest one is an orange, part-Maine Coon named Moose. He has 6 toes on two feet and 7 toes on two, I can't remember which are front and back. Nice cats though. Actually my favorite is the tri-color female, Mystere. She has a total attitude, but she's actually really nice.

Going to a dog park would be fun sometime. There's one close to my house that I've never even gone to, and another in Boulder right by the studio I work at. I'm pretty busy during the week right now, but I have some free time evenings and weekends. Did you have a particular day in mind? I'm sure any of the dogs would love to come with me. They enjoy it when my mom and sister take them to the one by here.
Switching topics... guitar! I've been playing for about 17 years now. Been in a bunch of bands at various times. No band right now though. Do you play?
Anyway, thanks for the compliment about Henry... he's my baby.
johnritchie & both sparrows were my target for 20 facts.
They have been notified wink

My halloween costume: sexy goth 'Ann'. Costume slightly altered kiss
I hope everyone has a fun halloween!!

I'll be at 2101 Champa for Disintegration October 29th Halloween!!!!!!! Tina is the DJ and also a fabulous person!!! Tim Burton is the theme this year. $7 to get in and drink specials. Of...
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I adore Clara Bow. Do you having any more pics of her?
Also I have two very active bands, both are currently seeking Bass players. (one joined a motorcycle club, the other disappered). So if your looking to rock out, I could kick you down a CD.
Today my mom, grandma, aunt, and I are going to a fashion show love
Hopefully this will be a fun event....my mind has been occupied with the BS midterm my philosophy teaher gave. Intro classes should be the foundation for higher classes of the same interest should stand upon. Teach me the basics, the terms, theories, meanings, philosophers, time periods, and I will be a happy...
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20 facts
almost all true wink

1. Former figure skater (quit due to rebellious tendencies during teenage hormonal peak)

2. I've lived in: Texas, North Dakota, Alabama, California, & Colorado...love it here the most).

3. I was married for a grand total of 8 months..

4. Current college student at Metro...dream of being some kind of journalist.

5. My dad is my ultimate hero. (Military historian,...
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I didn't know that you freelanced as a makeup artist! I wish I had enough creativity to do cool stuff but I don't. I do boring makeup on myself unless I see a cool picture somewhere and actually have the supplies to pull it off.

Now you need to tag at least 3 other people and post it in your journal and then let the other people know they have been tagged in their journal too! The fun never ends!