make it deep make it fast this pain was built to last

I am about to pick at a scab, that has been healed for years.
"I have my Black-Jack gum and that feeling that there is something rank in air"
I have put this off and put this off. I am not sure what emotions will conjure up yet here we go?
I over...
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My thesis is on poverty and public policy in the U.S. Basically I outlined different views on what causes poverty and what can be done about it, then evaluated them and then detailed how and why I think the government can/should reduce poverty.

[Edited on May 14, 2006 3:36PM]
Oh, scrubs are so hot. How come the cuties at the hospital all smoke and drink like mad, but then work out constantly? It's like a cruel joke when the person you have to rely on to lift you out of the bed is blissfully unaware of everything they take for granted. Then they rub in your face in it with their tight ass and their Malrboro breath.

Man, being sick is really turning me into a twisted motherfucker.
So the new doctor in my HMO food chain seems nice. I am so tired of their protocol. At least she knows what RSD is, that is a plus. I still can not get over the shock of myself. I still can not believe it. The seizure has managed to control all of my movements and I do not see how people live their lives...
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Schoooolllls Out for Summer........ Schoooooolllllssss Out ForEVER
To the "neih sayers" to the "doubters" to those who said I could not manage and to the Tracy Coes...... FUCKING DEAN"S LIST BITCHES !!!!

Algebra (last year of High School Algebra)------- A
English Comp 1010 ------------------------------------- A
General Sociology ---------------------------------------- A
Survey of Broadcasting -------------------------------- A
Basic Photography --------------------------------------- B
Class Piano ------------------------------------------------- A

All a total...
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no ive never had one.. but sounds super scary! you almost make it sound fun though lol... hmm... anyway ya... schools out for you! but not me lol... im trying to go to bartending school... but its soooo expensive lol like 500! anyway... ya... lol... do you know what caused hte seizure? i pass out alot.. maybe its like the same feeling? as for as like the onset.. i duno.. ok.. ya im leaving now lol..
So I was watching a commercial about the Barry Manolo Caribbean Cruise. WoW I thought to myself. Now there is some fucking white people in that audience. WoW!!
So In other news. If you find my laying on the floor flopping around call 911. Apparently do not offer to help me. smile I had my first ever seizure at the Best Buy. It was so weird....
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wow.. thats kinda scary.. are you ok?
" Well I'm taking my time
I m just moving along
You'll forget about me after I am gone..."

Words of wisdom from Boston.
This river runs deep and emotion is strained
The single thought of perversion festers in the brain

I do not know what it is but I can not shake this sadness
and the even sad part is I am not sure...
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Thanks, man. ^___^
A song that makes me think of you
I have learned to always cry on cue
I see a ghostly image a reminder of you
the moment I lost myself in the crowded book selves
I read some edgar poe and fell into sadness about you
I returned home and fell apart at the seams
my eyes are blurred at the thought of broken dreams...
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frown ?
edited from stupidity...

a reconsideration....

I should be fortunate that my inconvenience is as small as it is......

So I was in art class looking at who I thought would be the future Mrs +ad then I realized. FUCK IT !! I am broke, I have no job and not because I do not want to work , but because my nervous system decided to...
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So I have met her. Now I have to trick her into going out with me. This chic is awesome. AWESOME. All semester I have noticed her and I have tried to figure out how to talk to her and then last night it happened. She is fucking awesome and we have so much in common. Well photographically speaking. Plus I put two and two...
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MINE MINE MINE !!!!! I bought a new camera.. I wanted a digital camera, but digital SLR cameras are still above my price range. I was skeptical on buying this camera since I am currently living on my retirement, so a Friend put it into respective for me. She said spend the money and who knows maybe you will take a photo that is...
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I am noticing a pattern. Some of my favorite artist are the ones that take their lives. Maybe I will not truly appreciate my own work till I am dead. smile I have fallen in love with Francesca Woodman. I would love to be able to go in this direction, yet I am limited. I am a unshapely male (an ugly one at that) and have...
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