okay....quick little sunday update. the work week is done, and i now have two days off. i will not see my lovely hospital until tuesday night. the week went okay, we were not very busy, even with the local carnival going on. i don't think i will be doing much on my days off because, well payday is not until thursday, and the big man...
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Thanx man!!! smile.when my last set will be in MR i ll let u know!!!!!! i sent u FR i hope dont mind smile

kiss kiss
hi again!!
i want to let u know that my set willbe on MR the 13 aug!!!!!!

ihope u enjoy!!!!!!

so here i am on a monday again...... this morning i had to go to court for work. it was very frustrating because the defendant and his public defender talked the judge into yet another postponement, bringing the total to three. which means it could be christmas before this case comes around again. fortunately for me i switched my work schedule so i worked last...
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Thanks sooo much for the continued love on my sets. Your words on my new set were nice to hear!

aww thank you dude biggrin xxx
so anyway....just a quick monday note. survived work this past week, our new supervisor started with us. we are hopeful he will work alright. today i ran some errands in the morning, this afternoon i am at home doing a whole bunch of laundry, some house cleaning, catching up online, etc etc. other than that, i guess i am having an okay day. which is...
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Thanks for the positive feedback on my set "Pyroerotica", it was sweet of you <3!
Thanks for leaving some kind words on my new set! Keep in touch and good luck with the new supervisor at work!
oh what to say???? i survived my work week okay. i haven't been feeling all that well the past few days, but on sunday i slept for like, a million hours, today i am feeling better. i wish it was as simple as flipping a switch to go from depressed to happy....unfortunately it isn't. i have been playing phone tag with my doctor's office all...
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well with my work schedule i am off on mondays; so i didn't have to go kicking and screaming back to work after the holiday weekend like alot of folks i know. went to the movies today, saw "public enemies", johnny depp's latest. i liked it okay, it was a little slow in parts, and some of the historical facts were give a bit of...
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mm pizza sounds good i would eat some with you if i lived closer!
Thanks, I appreciate that.
okay so welcome to tuesday to boys and girls..... i survived my shortened work week, i worked friday night and saturday night, then had my regular two days off. after being in the hospital, and then being off at home a couple of days it felt good to just kind of ease back into work. tonight i go back for the start of a wonderful...
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I used to eat them like crazy.

Tons of garlic powder, salt and pepper. Sooo good.
sooooo... here it is. yes i did end up in the hospital for a few days. i went in on friday, and got discharged on tuesday. they figured i was emotionally stable enough to send me home, that and some of my medication levels were a bit low, and the doctor was happy with the latest lab work....so home i went. i kept myself busy...
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it is so rare that i can write a blog when i am actually happy, or things are going well in my life, or i just don't have anything much to complain about in general. this of course is not one of blogs......i hate my life on so many levels right now, i cannot begin to describe it. i am currently depressed as hell, to...
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I'm struggling too in some aspects...this whole having to start looking for a new job is getting to me....
soooooooo...... this weekend has been kind of interesting. saturday night i called in sick to work because i just could not deal with life in general. besides my therapist basically gave me two choices, i could stay at home and rest...or....go into the hospital and rest. i chose home. home is always good. sunday i mostly lounged, napped, watched t.v. the usual stuff. the new...
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thanks for u comment in my set and u support...kisses
You're just wonderful!
okay so i haven't updated my blog in.... over a month. and i assume people are just darn bored looking at this same old one. soooo.... my work sucks, that is the short version. i seriously need to start looking for a new job, even in this crappy economy. several parts of my life sucks, but i won't depress anyone with the details on that....
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thanks bb i hope like u my set....thanks for u comment and u support
well it certainly is good to have you back, mister D.