Well I finished the 2d animation, but I wont be able to share until next monday or tuesday, as one of my partners has the file. It's not so hot anyways. bok

Fun fact: when samurai women committed seppuku (ritual suicide) they bound their legs together, so that they would remain "properly composed" in death. They also slit their throats, where as the men disemboweled themselves...
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Hi Winter, what's up? I haven't seen you in awhile. You make everything look all white 'n pretty, though I can't say I appreciate you giving my mom a flat tire. Nah, that's okay, it's not your fault, she didn't have to walk TOO far in the freezing cold or anything. So how long do you think you'll be staying? Oh? Really? That's too bad...no,...
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Winter is all cold and stuff.
Waking Life was hugely disapointing. The half assed animation made me dizzy. And the movie itself is about equivilent to a night out with some stoners.

Happiness at least kept my attention. Not enough Jon Lovitz, too much child molesting.
Darnit! I really wanted to see it, too. I mean, I still might, but now I'll be looking for it to disappoint.

Happiness is great! In a really. Disturbing, I-probably-won't-ever-watch-it-again kind of way. wink
I'm making a profile on a personals website for free video games...this is what my life has come to... (long story)

My fucking dad keeps taking my DVDs, getting his greasy ass fingerprints all over them, then not putting them back. Urge to kill rising.

Watching I Love the 80s makes me realize I liked shit like Jem, Rainbow Brite, My Little Pony, and The...
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Ugh, my online physics class is over, at last. More time to play videogames! I mean, work on other classes!

I'm about to finish this 2d animation that's been tormenting me, and I'm tutoring a hot interior design girl. blush

Everything isn't perfect, though. Registration for next quarter has started. Just thinking about graduating is making me hyperventilate. bok
Nonono! The expletive-deletes were even WORSE. wink
then u r the winner of a sodomized mommy.
Ho man, if I ever get a big ego (assuming I don't already have one) I'm just gonna sit down at a lightbox and do some 2D animation.

The only thing that runs through my head when I'm 2D animating is "OH MY GOD! AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! I'm a hack piece of shit!"

Then I stab myself in the eye with my pencil.

I go through a...
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that picture is ggrreeaat.
springstreet, onion, and citypages...they're all the same right?
So, this was supposed to be a 4 day weekend. I don't have school on fridays, and my school moved the tuesday holiday to monday because they think they're god. But no! I had to be a dumbass and take a class online. Online classes have to meet twice on campus for 5 hours on a SATURDAY. So my nice relaxing 4 day weekend is...
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Apparently I'd gotten way beyond that. I guess they stopped sending them automatically after I kept sending them back.

5 hours of physics online? Goddamn, man, that's gonna SUCK.

Shaolin Soccer is the silliest movie ever.
Dammit. I've still yet to see it.
Again my school's library proves its superiority. Right next to The Holy Bible stood... The X-Rated Bible.
Because they go hand in hand. wink
Yeah, I go to SCAD. Otherwise known as Scud, or SAD. wink
My school is awesome, I checked out the imported Shaolin Soccer DVD. biggrin