I got seriously punk'd last night. I was lying in bed and I saw something kinda glowing on my wall. I put up a poster there a few weeks ago, so my first thought was that it has glow-in-the-dark bits and I didn't realise it. I sat up to get a better look and it became clear: written on my wall in glowing text was...
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Subtle... but effective I suppose, points to them. I've only had stupid ideas, such as glow chalking/ink on Stef's bag, preferably in really irritating places (just under the top). Doing the whole clown balloon thing when. Most of my ideas involve spiking and suffering, and I think you like those guys. I would suggest maybe doing the whole dying/bleaching thing to their hair (whilst they're asleep), just a patch, preferably in an inconvenient location, on a small one, somewhere its not going to get them in trouble, but somewhere its going to irritate the hell out of them. Sorry I'm tired, lame ideas.
Jeezus! I would totally flip out and have to clean that off before sleeping! tongue Have you gotten them back yet?
I saw Blonde Redhead at the Hi-Fi Bar last night. It was okay. There was an awful lot of stuff being played off a backing tape, though. There were times when only the drummer appeared to be doing anything at all, but there was still a washed-out wall of synthesizers and guitars, in keeping with the sound of the new album.

During a quiet moment,...
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ooo aaa
The last time I saw Against Me! it was the most disappointing show I ever saw, because all the songs were WAY slowed down. I don't understand why a punk band would do that, even if they are folk-punk.
BUT they made up for it at the Corner on Saturday, and at the Arthouse on Monday. Those were two awesome shows, and mostly the songs...
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It all started one day when I had placed the beer bottles on the floor next to my computer desk in a ten-pin bowling arrangement. Someone called it a beer pyramid, which of course it was not, it was a triangle. A beer pyramid, we discussed, would need to have several layers. It wouldn't stand unless you had something supporting the bottles. A layer of...
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Dude!! That's awesome!! biggrin Hahaha, very nice effort...
that's art
My girlfriend and I broke up last night. It's been coming for a long time, and went about as well as I could have hoped.

I'm still living with her until I move out, though. Which could be a couple of months.
That's tough man, good luck with it all.
Sorry to hear.

I have a friend going through a divorce in similar situations. Living together and being 'apart' is very difficult.

*big hugs*
I saw a contemporary dance piece at Monash student theatre last night. I've never seen or been interested in dance before, and I wasn't expecting much. I really enjoyed it, though. My friends (fucken actors) found a lot of faults to pick in it, but I found the movement fascinating, and the narrative great fun to try and decipher.

I'm going through another phase of...
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Dear friend!!!

I'd like to ask you for some little help!

My name is Svetlana, I was born in Ukraine, and I live in Russia now.
I was married to the English man Steve and lived in England so.
But our relationships have broken down.
My ex-husband behaved to me very badly and humiliated me with different words. I had to give him up. For...
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That bitch!! I got the exact same email!!

Hmm, maybe I shouldn't have sent her all that money.
Shit! Not again.
You are welcome. I think it's something people need to be aware of. Filthy buggers.
God dammit I hate my fucking job. I fucking hate working 9-5 five days a week in a stupid fuckin job that my daddy gave me. If this was a real job I would have been fired by now, and that would be fair and I wouldn't have to work this stupid fucking job anymore and get up EVERY FUCKING MORNING.

Why should people even...
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Kurt Vonnegut died yesterday. So it goes.

That reminds me: I gotta get one of my three KV jr first editions off my ex-friend/pot dealer.

I saw Deerhoof at the Corner on Saturday. I managed to finish off my absinthe before the show without the disasterous consequences that I experienced at NOFX.
The show was even better than last time. And I talked to Greg...
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