Looks great!
@avrora @kahu @outdoorexplorer   Thank you all.  I didn't know how it would turn out since I haven't sewn anything since middle school home ec.  But I am happy with it and excited to make more things.


  • Centurion Quintus Dias: [narrating] In the chaos of battle, when the ground beneath your feet is a slurry of blood, puke, piss and the entrails of friends and enemies alike, it's easy to turn to the gods for salvation. But it's soldiers who do the fighting, and soldiers who do the dying, and the gods never get their feet wet.

  • Alma: I want you flat on your back. Helpless, tender, open with only me to help. And then I want you strong again. You're not going to die. You might wish you're going to die, but you're not going to. You need to settle down a little.
  • Titus: Rome is but a wilderness of tigers.

  • Partygoer: I'm sorry. Do - Do you want to be alone?
  • Andrea Beaumont: I am.
I just remembered, that time at the market
snuck up behind me and jumped on my shopping cart
And rode down, aisle 5
you looked behind you to smile back at me
crashed into a rack full of magazines
they asked us if we could leave.

Can't remember, what went wrong last September
Though I'm sure that you'd remind me, if you had to

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Doc Riedenschneider: One way or another, we all work for our vice

  • Jeff: I didn't know you were so little.

  • Kathie: I'm taller than Napoleon.
  • Jeff: You're prettier, too.

  • [Dexter is visiting Kate in her flat]
  • Kate: Sorry about last night, I was very tired.
  • [pause]
  • Kate: I'm less tired now, though...
  • Dexter: I'm not tired either.
  • Kate: Great! Two people... on their own... in the middle of the afternoon... and not tired!
  • [pause]
  • Dexter: Ideal circumstances for Scrabble.

  • Gen. Yevgraf Zhivago
    : But if people love poetry, they love poets. And nobody loves poetry like a Russian.