Bored with this site, blogging/twittering elsewhere. There have been way too many girls who look the same on this site for a long time, must remember to cancel the auto-renew. Basically, I would rather have a pretty girl in my arms then pay to look at photos of mostly skinny hairless white girls. Not finding any ladies in my area who aren't already attached to...
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Happy, Happy Birthday! I just noticed your little balloon..... smile

Hope you enjoy your special day!! biggrin Have fun! smile
2009, really? You don't say?

SO it's going to be a good one.

The last year partially sucked, but I also rediscovered myself and ended a three year relationship so it can't be all bad, right? Resolutions - uh, go snowshoeing if it ever snows enough! Right.

Happy Fucking New Years :o) biggrin
Nothing to report. Carry on. confused

I am trying to get into my livejournal account and am stymied by the "prove you're human" type the secret word games.... perhaps I'm not really human. All I want to do is type a lot of nonsense.

Fine. I will type here. I haven't looked at a picture of a naked girl in ages. I'd rather simply be a naked girl,...
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I feel like I'm in an odd time dilation experiment, but it's one I'm willing to continue... I have been on two dates with a girl since Halloween, and we have shared one sweet simple kiss. It's a question of distance, physically, and... some other sort. I am not used to casual dating in general, or dating women specifically. She is brilliant, and beautiful and...
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My sister. Since I rarely leave the house, except to go to the Dr, or take my Dad to the Dr., I am home a lot (Exciting life I lead! whatever ) My sister calls me the 'Dog Whisperer' because I have some wierd connection with her dogs, and any other dogs I watch.

Best of luck with the dating. My daughter tells me 6 years alone is too long, and I should get out and at least try to meet someone..........I have better luck with the dogs! wink
So current stats. Single, hedonistic, and mostly content. Several odd shaped burns on my left forearm from splattering hot oil, careless cook that I am, interesting to see if they scar. Burst blood vessels in Left eye, possibly from mashing my hand in my eye in sleep? Unsure, but people tend to freak out when they see it, hope it will clear up soon. Content,...
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i LOVE trader joe's. i've just started making it my regular shopping location as of this last month.
and as for your playlist, i hardly think that's testosterone-laden. In fact, i don't think ANY playlist with Rufus Wainwright on it could legitimately be called testosterone-laden. Throw in some AC/DC or Metallica, and we'll talk. tongue
nice songs btw. though i prefer the original Jay-Z track to the LP remix. i always thought those remixes were really weak when it comes to rap/rock mashups.
what's the deal with that "Whole Foods" in Douglasville anyway? I don't really understand how that isn't copyright infringement. You're talkin bout the one on 422, right?
Well. I just had a really honest and heartbreaking conversation with a guy about sex. I'm not sure if he's the naive one or I am. Probably a little of both. On the other hand, I have offers to hang out from two new ladies. For once, I may be doing something right? *doesn't read too much into it. honestly*
ohhh. that doesn't give us much info, now does it? what could've been heartbreaking about it? *ponders*
i wish you the best of luck with that. I don't think i'm naive about sex, but i don't feel like knowing a lot about it has helped me much anyway. That is still one area of my life i've got no real grip on. It just goes where it pleases. robot
you know it's funny... the way you told that story... it may have revealed the very reason my roommate has been harboring such negative feelings towards me since I moved in for no other apparent reason... Thanks!

and on behalf of all awkward, inexperienced, overly honest men everywhere, i apologize. we can totally be overwhelmingly needy and pathetic at times. at that certainly does nothing to "set the mood"

HOLY F#@$@#$#@$@#$@#$#@!!!!!!



and that is all. (phillies drew first blood again. rays are going DOWN)
baseball fans scare me

are you moving to Oregon?
Thank you for the kind words. My cousins put a Phils hat in his casket today......
I guess to wear in his 'new seats'......... wink
I am sick and it sucks. Eye infection is getting better, sinus infection getting worse. Aren't you glad I shared? Luckily I still have today and tomorrow off from work, hopefully I will resemble human enough for my 7a-7p shift on Sunday *shudder.*

RED SOX FINALLY WIN!!! well, again, since they were at least 3-1, not 3-0. I don't care if they don't make it...
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L.A. Weekly: The Sandman was passed around a lot.

Neil Gaiman: Sandman was also sexual... like sexually transmitted. You would get guys who desperately wished that their girlfriends would read comics finally getting a copy of Sandman and saying, "Read this, you'll like it."

I thought this was pretty funny, especially since I picked up The Sandman from my first boyfriend in high school. It...
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you are a dear, hun... kiss