dude that's no codpiece thats an alien or some shit.....don't go near that thing...I think its a vampire....YIKES. eeek
Soooo....what am I doing staying in on a Saturday evening?

Simple answer: I'm still fucked up from my birthday celebrations.

A great time had by all, but my memory of certain stuff is a little sketchy!!!

Was looking at this earlier today...

Still by far the best title sequence for a movie ever designed, I reckon. Saul Bass=genius.

What really makes it work is the...
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Leaving work...

Got celebrating to do...

Oh sweet Jesus...I'd better be careful, this time round!!!

32 Today!!! Holy crap...time is flying...

Why, oh why, oh why...do I come to work on my birthday? What a loon!


It ain't so bad...at 3pm, I shall be heading to

this place
with a contingent of equally rowdy mates, where a lot of this stuff is going to be knocked back. Oh yes.

But for now, aaaaaaaaaahhhhh....feet up on the Mac. Enjoy...
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I neeeeeeeed a new tattoo.

I feel it's high time. I have, but one.

A really dodgy one on my upper right arm. I got it 13 years ago, at a very questionable tattoo parlour.

I'm thinking of a cover-up. Or maybe something fresh???

I've actually been thinking of a full sleeve job.

We shall see...

BIRTHDAY TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not, not, not getting as wankered as...
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Why, thank you. wink

Oh and i just noticed - happy birthday! smile
Crap...after last night's exertions, I'm knackered.

Just about tuckered out.


Before I hit the hay, I'd like anyone who reads this to go and have a look at the very beautiful Camilla and her set. An amazing lady.

A little treat for those of you that remember Sesame Street as well as I do...

The Count

Enjoy and sweet, sweet dreams.
You know what???

I'm in the middle of the first all-nighter, I've had to pull for about six months...and it's scary.

I shouldn't even be here!!!!!!!!!!!!

I should be focusing my embattled eyes on the task at hand, but I can't be arsed..

Deadline at 10 am tomorrow and I'm nearly done. I figure another hour(that'll bring me up to 4am)and that's me.

I'm at...
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thanks so much andy! blush
Me want beer.


Sun. Outside. Me. Inside. Working.

Bunch of arse. mad


Nearly the weekend!!!!

Huuuuurah. I'm s'posed to be sorting out my flat, but it's a no-go. I'm sitting in the garden soaking up the last of the summer sunshine here.

Ex-girlfriends and text messages...

Sometimes good, sometimes bad. Yesterday, I was in the pub with friends, and I got a message from a girl I was with about three years ago. Texted me to tell...
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