I have this internal struggle that is constantly present in every aspect of my life. I want people to know what I think, how I feel, what I like, and what I don't like, but when it comes time to step up to the plate I either don't step up, or I hide behind anonymity, or at least in my mind what could be seen...
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I don't know why, but no matter what I do, no matter how much I want to stand on my own, be proud of what I do, if my dad shrugs off what I think is an accomplishment I feel like I hit a new low. Seriously, why the hell am I so wrapped up on needing his EXACT approval. The rest of my family,...
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It is such the same with my dad too...

Here I sit in front of my computer almost every day or every other day getting lost in the strength, confidence and beauty of all these amazing women, and yet part of me almost feels a little like a voyeur, peering in through a window. Almost as if I want too see all of that his site has to offer and yet keep myself in...
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