Today's task was AWESOME. I had to discreetly give people the finger ALL DAY. My District Manager and her boss were visiting the store today, and I discreetly gave them both the finger a couple times, and did it innumerable times to customers and other employees. It was the coolest thing I have ever done. Not because they were necessarily pissing me off, just because...
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caught you on the indie boards......flipping off precious customers and fellow workers?.........hahahahaha....have fun looking for that modest mouse stuff!
you can go with "shit happens" to explain the light switch
I'm totally falling for Modest Mouse. It began when I first heard Float On and was unimpressed. But the more I heard it the more I liked it, and eventually I totally loved it, so I downloaded the new album, Good News for People Who Like Bad News. At first, I loved Float On, but was non-plussed about the rest of the album. A couple...
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you should invest in all their albums love i felt the same way at first too. A Long Drive........ is a good albulm too
I'm kinda freaked out right now. Twice, I've left the apartment, positive I've turned off all the lights, and locked the door. Upon returning, I found lights on and the door still locked. The first time, it was just the living room light. Today, when I left the apartment for four hours sealed up tight with a bug bomb, I came back to find the...
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who ya gonna call? GHOSTBUSTERS! but seriously i hope you get it straightened out soon! smile
so youre scared that its true....so i was talkign to one of the older guys and i asked him when does the high school shit end and he told me never puke
Back from another day of painting. I'm probably going to go back a little later and do more, but I had Taco Bell for lunch, and I'm not totally comfortable with the toilet there yet tongue
Mostly, I'm feeling really satisfied right now. Myke helped out today, and apart from some touch-up stuff, we got the whole living room and the whole bedroom completely done. The...
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free cable?! biggrin
I am EXHAUSTED!! I woke up this morning about 10:30 and headed over to the new apartment to paint around 11:30. NONE of the people who said they wanted to help showed up. I didn't even hear from any of them except my friend who had actually planned to spend the morning of his 3-year anniversary helping me paint. The only reason he didn't is...
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sounds like some strange folks lived there before. i'm sure it'll be great when (if?) you get done! smile
I lived in Milledgeville for a year. We had a kick ass 4 BR 2.5 BA HOUSE with a huge backyard and front porch for only $650/month. Small towns kick ass in that you can find cool places to live cheap.
Ok, so right now, I'm completely torn between being ready to be out of here and in my new place and being so sick of packing that I can't even get a box full of clothes packed. I'll be glad to have the painting party tomorrow as a break. Because you can't pack while you're painting.
ah so that's what you look like! smile
i am a loser. not here. only in reality. biggrin
I finally got a picture of me that was non-hideous enough to put on here. Hoorah. Though I still maintain that I'm the least photogenic person in the world. In real life, I'm a bit on the pretty side. In pictures, I always look fat. Bah. Stupid being a girl.
Anyway, I bought my paint tonight, and I'm getting my key tomorrow morning! !!!!!! Painting...
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Good news everyone!
I get the key to my new apartment this weekend! I'll be able to start painting Saturday!!! love
I can't even tell you how happy I am. biggrin
sounds great!!! careful with the paint! biggrin
I was eating at the brand new Quizno's yesterday. Behind the counter, I saw two people. One was my ex. The other was this really hot girl I used to hang out with, but I stopped hanging out with her because I got tired of her making sure everyone knew hot hot she was. Plus, she had no personality. But seeing them both there made...
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cigarettes and pepsi? puke i know 2 or 3 words of french! tongue
I know I've been saying this a lot, but packing SUCKS! I mean, I'm glad to be moving, and the emptier the apartment gets, the happier I feel, but the actual process licks donkey balls. I don't know if starting early and taking my time makes it better or worse. Before, I've always just started throwing things at boxes the day before or the day...
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Y'know, it's been a few months since Brian broke up with me, and I've gone out with a couple guys since, and I'm mostly ok. But sometimes I still just miss him so much. I remember how funny and smart and sweet he could be. I know it doesn't do me any good, and the breakup made me realize some really awful things about him,...
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Your journal made for bizarre reading; I've been reminiscing about my ex-Brian all day, too.frown I hope you feel better. I hope we're not thinking of the same one.wink

hope you're feelning better today! smile