I don't know if anyone still follows me here, since I pretty much stopped posting last June, but just in case ...

  1. I want you to know about my new fiction podcast, It's Storytime with Wil Wheaton. Here's what I wrote on my blog:

Hi friends! I am so excited to announce It’s Storytime with Wil Wheaton, my new podcast. My first episode...
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As a fan of Stand by Me, TNG, Toy Soldiers, and your work on the Falling Skies aftershow…this is totally cool!
true beauty

I think this is going to be my final blog here. I feel like a creepy weird old guy who is hanging around a place that he should have aged out of a long time ago, especially since I don't really "know" anyone here, like I once did. Before I go, I want to shout out Missy and Sean for bringing me into the Newswire...
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This is a sad but understandable choice. I have been considering the same myself on how much longer I will keep this account active. Thank you for what you have done and what you will do in the future. I found this community in part because of you and found my tabletop gaming family through your run of Tabletop. Titansgrave help to reengage with my middle school roots of ttrpgs that I had to let go of during crazy periods in my life. Looking forward to your future engagement through Discord and other online venues.
I missed this originally and thought you might be dead thanks to @adam_bovary referring to you as the “late great” in his blog. Glad he just meant you were not going to be writing in here. Of course, that sucks for me, but I get it. So long, and thanks for all the fish.

I've been a member since the early days, before I wrote for the Newswire, even.

I was just thinking about how long it's been since I created my account, realizing all the models and writers I knew have archived, and feeling like an old, weird, relic.

Anyone else relate?

2004 here… anymore just feel like a spectator more than member.  But stick around out of FOMO and legacy pricing makes it hard to leave knowing I’ll never revisit u see the new price scale.

I wrote this on Tumblr when someone asked me if I had any hobbies. In the chain of reblogs, I came across this beautiful parable, from which I took this post’s title.

I have a garden that I love to work in every day. It’s one of my very few hobbies that are mostly private, that I keep for myself. I freely and enthusiastically share...
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Love this
So I'm in my second playthrough of BG3. I'm the sassiest bard who ever set foot on the Sword Coast. I choose the sassiest dialog option, no matter what, so Jaheria and Astarion love me, but I've had my eye on Halsin for a minute, after Laezel just wore me out. The mind is willing, but the flesh is spongy and bruised.
Last night, we're...
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Did you try save scumming? Or did you maybe botch it before that interaction?
Be getting the physical copy of BG3 soon. Can’t wait to finally play it. I’m prefer physical media. #oldschool 😎🤘🏻

"I want the Wesley Crusher figure!"

"We have Wesley Crusher at home."

Wesley Crusher at home:

Tomorrow, at are-you-fucking-serious o'clock, Anne and I leave for this year's Star Trek cruise.
I've spent the last week getting ready, and as of about 18 hours ago, we are completely packed and ready to go. We are so ready to go, I've been sort of aimlessly wandering around the house, double checking and triple checking to make sure that we didn't forget something, and...
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It is not so strange what you feel, anxiety is a state of activation so powerful that it generates a conditioning towards contexts very difficult to extinguish and if this activation does not occur your limbic system is triggered because it creates cognitive dissonance before an internal incongruence by both exogenous and endogenous agents, but it is good that you express that you are aware and peexivo that you have control of your emotions. Do you understand how valuable and important it is for your "self"? You are going on a journey that you want to make so your corticothalamic connections and amygdala do not perceive it as a worry or as an external threat and that awakens that dissonance because you always live under that dichotomy, anxiety/non-anxiety. So don't worry my friend, it's not bad that you don't feel anxiety and you shouldn't feel bad or strange about it, feel strong because you are feeling something called self-control. Have a great trip and enjoy it with the freedom your brain is gaining. 🤗😃😃😃💛💛💛
I am glad to read this.

Just a couple of days ago, I told Anne that though I am always a little sad to wrap a season of Ready Room, because I genuinely love my job that much, I was glad to have the time and energy to do stuff together. It’s always so weird how we can live together, sleep in the same bed, see each other every single day,...
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Well, without being contentious, Happy Valentine's Day to you both.
Happy Wednesday ❤️

I remember in the eighties our local ABC station did a summer promotion thing where they broadcast a different 1950s 3D movie every weekend for a month. I feel like we bought the glasses at 7-11; maybe they came with a Slurpee or something like that.

However we got them, I remember watching local weather guy Johnnie Mountain host a movie called Gorilla At Large....
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I can remember some kung-fu-esque horribly produced 3D’s… the ones where the swords came slashing right at your face. I saw a pristine pair of those 7-11 paper goggles at a flea market last summer, wanted $50, no thanks. Didn’t need to spend that much recalling old memories that usually ended badly. Thanks for your candidness though… maybe if I squint really hard through those red and green plastic lenses my memories might gain some warmth.
Unfortunately for me my mom was my bully. My dad left before I was born so she blamed me for him leaving and she never let me forget it. I am glad you are able to pull out some happy memories from that time though. I still suffer from PTSD because of my childhood.

January 9, 2016 is the day my life — a life that belongs to me, that centers my needs and dreams, that I built out of the ashes of my abusive childhood — began. It was the day I chose to stop numbing my pain and started a slow, deliberate, committed journey toward healing the trauma that I experienced at the hands of my abusive,...
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Happy Anniversary and hope for many more
Someone on Reddit in r/rpg asked what the biggest surprise of 2023 was for us.
This is the kind of thing I enjoy talking about, so I thought I'd share it here.
The biggest surprise for me this year was finding my way back into the depths of my library.
My first RPG was D&D Basic in 1983, and I've played ever since, tons...
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I have been doing the same. Between working full time,  COVID, and being a primary caregiver for both of my elderly parents, I have gone back to my supply of RPGs and dove back in. Just fun to savor the physical classics and indulging in the PDFs of new games, trying to pull together ideas for when I can start taking more time for myself. If you ever get a chance to push out your reading list, it would be greatly appreciated.
Great blog!  I got the D&D basic box for levels 1-3 around 1980 or 1981, which was junior high for me.  I got all of the Advanced D&D rule books and a number of modules and played with friends off and on through high school until everyone went separate ways in college, but I did enjoy reading the modules back then.  Sometime a decade ago or maybe a little more, I somehow heard about Eclipse Phase and was intrigued enough by the concept and short stories that were built into the core rule book to buy it.  I've bought every core rule book since, even though I have no interest in playing the game.  I also bought another one of the D&D monster compendiums and the Torment: Tides of Numenera Explorer's Guide after playing the PC game.