OK, so my apologies for the weirdness of my news feed lately. I was being spammed, I guess. Please let me know if that happens again?!
I'm also going to say sorry for being so freaking negative lately. I guess I'm just trying to keep my head above water... I really need to focus on the good parts of life and what I do have....
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I'm also going to say sorry for being so freaking negative lately. I guess I'm just trying to keep my head above water... I really need to focus on the good parts of life and what I do have....
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So... where are they?

What up girl?
Oh jeez.
So I made a mad 18-hour dash home to be with momma and gain a little man-hating recovery time... (see last entry) I really couldn't have had WORSE timing. I got here around 7:30pm and mom and I spoke for 2 hours and ate and went to bed... The next day mom had work to do so I read and hung out by...
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So I made a mad 18-hour dash home to be with momma and gain a little man-hating recovery time... (see last entry) I really couldn't have had WORSE timing. I got here around 7:30pm and mom and I spoke for 2 hours and ate and went to bed... The next day mom had work to do so I read and hung out by...
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How are you doing, lovely? Hope things are getting better for you.
Right now your profile is doing something odd with the SG update code - it looks as if you're updating it once per minute for the last 24 hours which means it's spamming the entire update feed. I'm going to take you off my friends list briefly to see if it fixes it for me - nothing personal of course!
Good luck with everything xo
Right now your profile is doing something odd with the SG update code - it looks as if you're updating it once per minute for the last 24 hours which means it's spamming the entire update feed. I'm going to take you off my friends list briefly to see if it fixes it for me - nothing personal of course!
Good luck with everything xo
Ok; call Michael Westen, I've officially received my burn notice.
This week I was reminded of how badly it sucks to be overly into somebody. After four and a half months with this guy, he tells me he needs to start appreciating me more and we cuddle and sleep together and he goes to work the next day... sends me sweet texts all day and...
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This week I was reminded of how badly it sucks to be overly into somebody. After four and a half months with this guy, he tells me he needs to start appreciating me more and we cuddle and sleep together and he goes to work the next day... sends me sweet texts all day and...
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well - the up side is you now have great material for some new songs

Oh lovely, I'm so so sorry.
That fucking sucks.
And not all men suck. Just most of us.
You'll find a good one (or several) and they'll appreciate you for who you are. I promise.
In the meantime, if you need to bitch, feel free to leave some bile in my blog or my inbox.
Also, create new memories in your house as soon as possible. With friends, family, another boy (even if it's not serious or intimate, it helps)

That fucking sucks.
And not all men suck. Just most of us.
You'll find a good one (or several) and they'll appreciate you for who you are. I promise.
In the meantime, if you need to bitch, feel free to leave some bile in my blog or my inbox.
Also, create new memories in your house as soon as possible. With friends, family, another boy (even if it's not serious or intimate, it helps)

So apparently some amazingly sweet person paid for 3 months of SG for me-albeit this was in march, but since I NEVER check that email address, I just found it! Thank you mystery friend! Life is currently a jarbled mess of turmoil for me and my family is pretty going to crap in a handbasket, but I'll BE okay.

I have recently started modeling...
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Welcome back luv. You're looking as gorgeous as ever.
Welcome back...
Hey guys-so obviously it's been an insanely busy semester-i figured the best way to update you is via photographs-since they're such a huge part of my life... So i'm riding again and training horses (YAY) but it's excessively time consuming. I'm also making an hour drive on the weekends to go play on a ranch and yes, I shot my first gun! (Yes, I know...
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Then you'll have to look me up for a drink or 7. If you're extra nice I might even show you around. 

Woah, I stopped checking for a while. Good to see you're still around.
Hey all... man I have had a busy few weeks! Halloween was a blast here..went out and took some pictures with crazy people at bars and started a bar fight.. haha. Good times! I've had a ton of school work and the semester is rounding out.. Hopefully I'll be able to get my concentration abilities up-but since I'm no longer on ADD medication... its looking...
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You still around, gorgeous? Hope you're well!
I sure miss Halloween In College Station... I hope it was a blast this past year... maybe Ill get the chance to come back home and party this year... If I do Ill let ya know
What a gorgeous little creature! So. Cute.
What a gorgeous little creature! So. Cute.
I'm so sorry that she died! She was adorable and beautiful. I hope she's in a happy place now!
So I am in a class that requires us to go check on pregnant pigs at different times to record behavioral changes. This is my assigned week, so I've been out frequently. When I went out to check on them one was in hard labor!!!! I stayed because I knew she was a first-time mommy... and I called the guy we're supposed to tell-he told...
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Survival Of The Fittest In Action.
The Momma Gets Rid Of The Weak.
Sucks, But It Is In Their Nature.
They Aure Are Good Eatin Though.
That Is The Old Farmer In Me.
The Momma Gets Rid Of The Weak.
Sucks, But It Is In Their Nature.
They Aure Are Good Eatin Though.
That Is The Old Farmer In Me.
Haha, baby pigs are adorable. Too bad they eat you when they get older... And sometimes, they run your (my) car off of the road, causing irrepairable damage to portions of the car, resulting in a new one having to be purchased. Mmmm... kinda wish they would stay babies, in fact.
That's a gorgeous set of Poe but more importantly, when do we get one of you??
Hope you're doing alright, haven't spoken in awhile - update me! xx

Hope you're doing alright, haven't spoken in awhile - update me! xx
Wow... now I realize the one thing that's been missing from that series, and it's naked Poe! Maybe that's the next form Smokey'll take on, if there's a kind and generous god somewhere.
K- a few updates-
1) I just bought a vibrator- AMAZING!
2) My schedule changed so I have no easy classes now... but who cares when you have a bathtime buddy?!
Seriously, kids. I'm in love. Who needs a man when you have this little hand held friend any time ya want!? lol.... and it's screaming hot pink!
3) I love my cat, Norman, and...
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1) I just bought a vibrator- AMAZING!
2) My schedule changed so I have no easy classes now... but who cares when you have a bathtime buddy?!

Seriously, kids. I'm in love. Who needs a man when you have this little hand held friend any time ya want!? lol.... and it's screaming hot pink!
3) I love my cat, Norman, and...
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i love your cat too !

Don't forget, you've got to name it.
I'm not sure what the rules are with vibrators though, I know that most inanimate objects take on women's names, but I think vibrators take men's names. Don't quote me on that though.
You're cat is adorable, he's like a mini-lion.
I'm not sure what the rules are with vibrators though, I know that most inanimate objects take on women's names, but I think vibrators take men's names. Don't quote me on that though.
You're cat is adorable, he's like a mini-lion.
First day of school.. YAY. I love my chem prof already. He's a complete stoner... he's like "Ok, man, this class is going to be tough, man, but we'll totally get through it together"... Love it. I'm about to go to my next class-which should be equally entertaining.. "ART HERITAGE OF LIVESTOCK" kind of a BS class I'm taking to balance my heavy science load-but...
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Totally just noticed you are a Jane Austen fan. So glad I'm not alone in my girliness!

holy crap, hot profile pic. Glad school will be at least entertaining this sem.