I mean, really, really, really emphasise that with underlines and all sorts of things ...
Been out of it for a while now and upon my return, sixtyfootquuenie has bailed ... and then I figure I'd go and see what the embodiment of awesomeness that is Voltaire is up to and SHE IS NO LONGER ACTIVE?!
It was pics of Voltaire that...
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And the hole keeps getting deeper.
C ock
S mells
E vil
Well, it doesn't ... that would imply some sort of useage to attract a malodourous nature ...
However, it is a little more intereting than
M icrosoft
C ertified
S ystem
E ngineer
Chicks dig it though. Don't they?
My journey to the dark side is complete.
And I wanna do a degree in pure mathematics for...
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Strange women lyin' in ponds distributin' swords is no basis for a system of government! Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony! You can't expect to wield supreme executive power just because some watery tart threw a sword at you!
I'm still trying to get the hang of the whole regular updates on a weblog thing...
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Righto ... yes, exam coming up (that I plan to put off if at all humanly possible). Implementing, Managing, and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Network Infrastructure ... I mean really, WHAT THE FUCK?!
Met Phia for Hot chocolate in the city. A lovely meeting for which I was only 15 minutes late (SORRY! SORRY! SORRY!)...
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Friday nights, 5pm - 7pm,
Both are in the downstairs gym (auditorium) of Uni High (take a left down that side street off the service road on Royal Parade).
First class is free, else it's like $120 or something for a semester - about 30 classes or so.
I have a class (seemingly bright) who are totally just sitting there in zombified silence. I spent half the day wondering if I had food caught in my teeth as they seemed just to be staring mindlessly at me.
Most distressing.
I demand interaction, you dolts!! Chew flaming plasmatic computer instruction, heathens!!
Only Vindaloo and Snack...
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Sonny Barger: I don't think you need to beat a kid and make him black and blue but I think a child growing up needs to be disciplined. It's so bad today if you just look at your child like you're going to discipline them, they say "touch me and I'm calling the...
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Serenity now...
insanity later

It's confirmed, there may be up to THREE of you reading this!
I almost updated three times in one week!! This is unheard of and for fear of disrupting the space time continuuumumumum I decided that this was a good thing.
Sixtyfootqueenie asked an interesting question over a few quiet ales (note to self; NEVER drink Carlton AGAIN!!):
"Do you want to...
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Good luck for your 'soft exam, by the by!
Well, a moderately large weekend, by El Muchacho de la Ratta's standards. Batman Begins + Gold Class = yours truly getting all emotional.
Compared to everything after Michael Keaton's Dark Knight, this is even better. Scarecrow, Ra's Al Ghul and a dark and gothic Gotham ... it was all the Rat could do not to...
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Two points in the last few days.
WHAT THA FUCK is going on with the world shortage of Chinotto at the moment?! It seems to be locaized to Port Melbourne Coles ... but for the last few days there have been no bottles of my most beloved beverage.
How is this significant? Well, it means...
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BTW what comics you into?
[Edited on Jun 17, 2005 12:24PM]

Port Melbourne Coles sucks, the bread is expensive, it makes me rage.

Justice League is swell, I was contemplating buying it at JB today but needed to get deathsticks instead. Damn my lungs.
NEXT TIME there is a hookup, you will say hello. Or I will yell at you to say hello and it will embarass us both.

Sour times.