Sticker Shock
Anti-War political operatives were discomfited yesterday when their congressional representatives were compelled to vote to lose immediately. This upset the entire notion to purchase failure in Iraq on the installment plan. The price of failure in stark terms was too much to bear as a flat payment. For longer than I have been alive, it has been the driving goal of a lot...
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Anti-War political operatives were discomfited yesterday when their congressional representatives were compelled to vote to lose immediately. This upset the entire notion to purchase failure in Iraq on the installment plan. The price of failure in stark terms was too much to bear as a flat payment. For longer than I have been alive, it has been the driving goal of a lot...
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I have to be really careful about what I say online because eventually some dork is going to charge me with violating security in the Navy and all this is going to be reviewed. One of the problems with the military is that it is also a huge bureaucracy, and many of the small minded people necessary to push all the paper are deeply...
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I have to be really careful about what I say online because eventually some dork is going to charge me with violating security in the Navy and all this is going to be reviewed. One of the problems with the military is that it is also a huge bureaucracy, and many of the small minded people necessary to push all the paper are deeply...
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You updated your journal? This deserves the front page.

I just want to openly apologize to stockula for not having his back much lately. I'm on active duty right now and although my base is three miles from my house, when I get home I'm usually pretty fragged and not interested in fighting the good fight online. I just finished a 13 day week and although I should have a nice long weekend coming...
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the Royal Dragoon Guards you mean?

way to go on bringing Totten into the browncoat fold. We need all the converts we can find.

I just want to openly apologize to stockula for not having his back much lately. I'm on active duty right now and although my base is three miles from my house, when I get home I'm usually pretty fragged and not interested in fighting the good fight online. I just finished a 13 day week and although I should have a nice long weekend coming...
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What Is More Cool
Yesterday at the office we had a little talk about the potential for a NASCAR track in Portland. (If you are male and in the Navy and let folks know you aren't interested in NASCAR, you are in violation of the "don't tell" policy.) My new unit has a young man on the permanent staff who mentioned the NASCAR driver who...
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Yesterday at the office we had a little talk about the potential for a NASCAR track in Portland. (If you are male and in the Navy and let folks know you aren't interested in NASCAR, you are in violation of the "don't tell" policy.) My new unit has a young man on the permanent staff who mentioned the NASCAR driver who...
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I never had even heard of NASCAR until maybe 2000 or so. There was that movie Days of Thunder, but I never saw it.
Now they talk about NASCAR all the time in the paper and NPR, there are commercials with NASCAR drivers; I have no idea who they are.
Now they talk about NASCAR all the time in the paper and NPR, there are commercials with NASCAR drivers; I have no idea who they are.
On Returning to Service
In 1987, I joined the active Navy with the belief that our nation needed to be strong to stay free. In 1991, I re-enlisted in the Navy with the expectation that our country would lead the world in building freedom everywhere. In 1995, I left the Navy with the realization that our political leadership would rather be stable than help others...
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In 1987, I joined the active Navy with the belief that our nation needed to be strong to stay free. In 1991, I re-enlisted in the Navy with the expectation that our country would lead the world in building freedom everywhere. In 1995, I left the Navy with the realization that our political leadership would rather be stable than help others...
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I am afraid I find your actions terribly misguided. Your commander-in-chief displays a distressing disregard for multilateral cooperation and the legal sanctioning of military action that the UN alone can confer.

If you wanted to tell everybody that you aren't serving in the military because you're too busy getting stoned, just say so. You don't have to go this far with the multilateralism crap, man.
If you wanted to tell everybody that you aren't serving in the military because you're too busy getting stoned, just say so. You don't have to go this far with the multilateralism crap, man.
The Sweet Sting of Significance!
I was on the rooftop looking down at the protesters in 2001 with Michael as his friends pointed out idiots they personally knew in the crowd of May Day wanna-be's. Growing up in the anti-war movement, I had the chance to learn what kind of protest accomplished change and what accomplished noise. It seems like all the effective, ethical protest...
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I was on the rooftop looking down at the protesters in 2001 with Michael as his friends pointed out idiots they personally knew in the crowd of May Day wanna-be's. Growing up in the anti-war movement, I had the chance to learn what kind of protest accomplished change and what accomplished noise. It seems like all the effective, ethical protest...
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Re: Greenpeace
I know that news wire has queueing and reviewing, and that it serves a purpose different from thread seeding.
My post was not directed at you, or to say that you did anything wrong. Just to let people reading the thread know that one exists already.
I know that news wire has queueing and reviewing, and that it serves a purpose different from thread seeding.
My post was not directed at you, or to say that you did anything wrong. Just to let people reading the thread know that one exists already.

When I was in Amsterdam, I was walking around, saw one of their offices on the same block as the Anne Frank House (which I was looking for).
Outside of the Greenpeace office were some very, very very unpleasant, ANGRY, ugly, mean-looking women who were taking their smoke break. I mean, they were malignant, the image gives me the creeps to this day 5 years later.
There's something misanthropic about that whole organizatio, even through that snap shot.
Or maybe they were just having a bad day.
When I was in Amsterdam, I was walking around, saw one of their offices on the same block as the Anne Frank House (which I was looking for).
Outside of the Greenpeace office were some very, very very unpleasant, ANGRY, ugly, mean-looking women who were taking their smoke break. I mean, they were malignant, the image gives me the creeps to this day 5 years later.
There's something misanthropic about that whole organizatio, even through that snap shot.
Or maybe they were just having a bad day.
I may be gone soon. Apparently the worst sin is to talk down to people. What's funny to me about this is that I am being accused of this over an argument over treating people with more respect.
I could wrap myself in the flag and say that this is a "veteran thing" that the others don't understand. To me this is about rites of...
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I could wrap myself in the flag and say that this is a "veteran thing" that the others don't understand. To me this is about rites of...
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Iconclasty without opposition is bullshit.
The biggest problem Sean has with this site is that it will get so popular that all the important ideas will get strained out in the consensus.
I write political opinions that are unpopular here. A lot of the time the people criticizing me look really stupid later on when they are proven wrong. Remember when you thought that CBS...
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The biggest problem Sean has with this site is that it will get so popular that all the important ideas will get strained out in the consensus.
I write political opinions that are unpopular here. A lot of the time the people criticizing me look really stupid later on when they are proven wrong. Remember when you thought that CBS...
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roger that.

Heh. Noted.
Nice job on the 98 AFQT. That's a good score... I only just have you beat.

Nice job on the 98 AFQT. That's a good score... I only just have you beat.

You have privately requested that I not use the "contact" function on your personal profile. I respect that and won't communicate with you privately. There is a price for this privacy, though. I won't argue with you publicly anymore.
One of the reasons that Michael Totten and I are good friends is that every so often we go down to the Horse Brass Pub...
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You have privately requested that I not use the "contact" function on your personal profile. I respect that and won't communicate with you privately. There is a price for this privacy, though. I won't argue with you publicly anymore.
One of the reasons that Michael Totten and I are good friends is that every so often we go down to the Horse Brass Pub...
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Look, I don't insult your manhood, or request that you not use any sort of contact features with me. I'd really appreciate some sort of response to a logical rebuttal to something you've claimed at least twice in one thread, even if your only response is that you have no plans to respond to my argument (although I have no idea what purpose that would serve).
Here, a link, for easy reference:
Here, a link, for easy reference:
Of you, not the grenades.